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A member registered Oct 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks! And very well done!

Hi! I'm one of the developers behind this game. Thanks for the feedback! To answer your implicit question, the starting location is not randomised to provide the same experience to every player. The idea is for this game to be played in schools, so every student can have the same experience with different strategies and learn the importance of vaccination.

I do agree with you though. To add replayability, the starting location should definitely be randomised, or at least different campaigns should be available :)

Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it! :D

Thank you so much for your feedback! We are still developing it, and we will post updates as we make progress. Once we have a PC version we are happy with, we will definitely consider releasing it for mobile.

To answer your doubts: the letters are given to you randomly from a set of specified available letters. Thanks again for your kind words! :)

Thank you for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I agree with you. The code for audio feedback is there, I just did not have the time to look for the sound, but I guess this is all part of a game jam! xD

This was fun!! I loved the different sounds and that I flet like pianist by the end of the game!


A fast paced mini-game that tests your typing speed and what words you can make up in 40 seconds!

CONTROLS: When the letters hit the bar at the top of the screen, type those letters on your keyboard. Once that stage of the game is over, try to type a sentence or word using your keyboard! The funnier the better!

We made this game in under 72 hours for the GJL Game Parade 2020 game jam and do aim to update it and make it multiplayer for the future.

Please turn caps lock off for the game to work!

Have fun and thank you to GJL for the opportunity! 

From Giacomo Mazza & Meriam Touati

Follow us on Twitter: @Snappishstew & @MeriamOVO

I really liked the concept! Unfortunately I was not able to grasp the controls before the game finished, so I had to restart a few times before I knew what I was doing. Also I did not know when the trousers were fully ironed, but overall nice game!

Nice concept! It took me a while to figure out how not to die immediately! Also, I was not able to take the rocket, so I could not finish the game unfortunately :(

Ahahah yeah I feel it too xD And yes, be proud of what you guys made because it rocks!

Thanks for checking I am Honk out xD (yes, there are bugs and other stuff I do not completely like but hey xD)

Well done to the team, this is such a good game! I believe that one cat might take too long to die, which might make the gameplay a bit repetitive. But wow, I am incredibly impressed with the visuals and the way this game fits the game perfectly!

This is a game jam after all, it would be foolish to expect the games here to be 100% bug-free or perfect, in general! You and your team did a fantastic job! :D

This is such a good (and unexpected!) game! I had more fun playing this than I should have! Definitely one of my favourites so far.

If I could suggest something, that would be refining the controls? I know the feeling is supposed to represent a fish's struggle on land... But I could feel the struggle too xD

What I liked the most were the humans! They co-operated so efficiently it looked like they were controlled by a human! xD

(1 edit)

This is such a nice game! Too bad I had problems selecting the empty crops... But everything fits perfectly: the audio, the theme, and the gameplay :)

This was nice considering only one person made it! The only thing I did not quite get is the movement controls - it might be worth to use global coordinates rather than local. Well done!

Not bad! It fits the theme perfectly!

This was great to play! Reminded me of Carrion!

Hi all! Departed is a first-person narrative-driven game. It is visually polished and is in constant update! Check it out!

Download here:

Departed community · Created a new topic Bugs and crashes.

Hi everyone!

Please, if you encounter any bug write how I could reproduce them, so I can try a way to fix them :)

Departed community · Created a new topic Feedback, please!


This topic will stuck here until the completion of the project. Please leave your feedback and thoughts here :)


This is SnappishStew with my first game from 2017 Ukie Jam. Remember to connect Xbox 360 controllers to the PC! Up to two players :)

Infestation Frenzy is a Top-Down Shooter. Survive as long as you can against waves of enemies picking up some power-ups in a procedural generated arena. 

Fire - Right trigger
Grenade - Left trigger
Move - Left analog
Aim - Right analog

I hope you'll have fun! :)

Infestation Frenzy

Top-Down Shooter up to two players!