The game is really good for something made in three hours, I was pretty impressed with the level of polish; it felt like a finished game. I don't have any suggestions for what you could have done better in three hours, but I think that if you had more time and were interested in expanding the game there were some thing you could change. It would have been nice if you could have just picked up units when they came within your radius, not just touching them. Particle effects would have really made this game look extra polished, maybe if they followed around the character and for when you blew up the enemy. A CPU would be fun to play against because of quarantine I had to play it two player by myself. Finally sounds effects would have really added depth to the gameplay, and finished off the whole package. Those aside, I had fun playing this game, and you can feel good knowing that some random guy thought your game was cool.
Thanks a lot for playing our game. Honestly we never thought we will be able to complete the game on time but focusing on the game-play itself we somehow managed to do that. I and my partner are in talks of maybe creating a whole polished game with everything you mentioned above and a few things.Feel free to contact us over DISCORD and give us more ideas.
Yes, We will keep updating on InstagramandDiscord. We are also working on a Dev-log and a time-lapse for the development journey.