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(1 edit) (+1)

ok so was that project from the_man_official? is that why he's doing this?

I mean... copying snippets of code is pretty common (heck I graduated software engineering copy-pasting code from the internet). as long as you try to make it your own I guess its fine, on the other hand if that person didnt want his code to be copied he shouldnt have made it available to the public. unless he had no choice and thats just how playcanvas works... I dunno never tried it before.

No it was from a very bad unfinished school game made by a random guy which was his only project.

Its not like its a secret I just didnt think it really mattered. Looking for scripts to make your very first 3d game work properly is different from stealing an entire project.

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ok, but why are you doing this?

Cuz hes a jerk. He threatened to swat me, constantly spammed me, and said he was going to "experiment" on my friend (who has cancer btw) by raping her and getting her pregnant. He is a lying asshole that is gaining literally nothing from this. He even made an entire discord server about hating my friend. He has no moral standards.


ok, just for reference how old are you both?

I would second that request. Because At this point is seems like the two of you should talk to some kind of professional. Depending on your ages and what’s true or not that’s either:

  • your parents (in a group)
  • a guidance counselor
  • a psychologist
  • a lawyer or two

I dont need a lawyer or psychologist I just need him to not upload my gam

Well, as I said elsewhere in this thread: To the best of my knowledge you could just file a DMCA claim when he does that. It’s your game after all.

But to be perfectly honest with you: I’m less concerned about him distributing your work against your expressed will and more about the other allegations you’re raising. But that’s not something for the itch forums to discuss. Hence my recommendations.

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I have screenshots its obviously you subak stop lying you screwed up for the last time

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who is subak