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18 Aliens

A member registered Oct 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Aright if you think I should keep it up I will. 

If I knew how to delete topics I would delete this.

You are probably correct. I should just contact support. Sorry, im not very familiar with how this works.  Feel free to lock or delete this. I guess.

I have recently been working heavily on my game but when I went to run it I get this message:

There was a problem loading your project
Too many files in zip (1518>1000)
Please try deleting the ZIP file and uploading another one

Now, that may seem like a lot of files, but most of these are very small 3d models. There are currently 259 models in the game and of those only 25 are larger than 10kb and only 78 are larger than 5kb. Also the way the game is compiled it puts assets  by themselves in folders which are by themselves in other folders, so the number of files is artificially inflated by this and there isnt much I can do about it. The entire game is currently only 47mb. Ive read around and this seems like a forced limit that can be lifted on request, and I dont think 47mb is gonna be a problem for running on browser. I am currently working on improving the game massively but the way im doing it wont really raise the file size, but it will raise the number of files within the game by quite a bit. 

Im gonna be honest I dont really remember u. Could you give me some reminders?

Actually I suggest you wait a while because I am currently reworking the entire game with much better content. Perhaps it will be finished in a month.

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Thanks. Pls rate 5 stars. Still have your name in the gallery if u havent seen it.

TF u talking about? Its complete


Fraudulent submission.

This project was created on March 2 2021, and you are submitting it for a game jam that started over a year later?  And you submitted it for like 3 different game jams? Do you realize how absurd that is.

Define "hate war". I have never heard that term before, as I dont think it is one.

How exactly?

Why would you post an unfinished discontinued test project to itch? Also, the game page needs major work.

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I just updated it again so you can check it out if u want. Ill even give u some debug commands.

Note that these only work in gameplay.

Press P to go back to the splash screen
Press Y to crash the game (dont ask)
Press M to fly

What are you even talking about?

How about no

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Actually I just uploaded the debug version and I was wondering if you could playtest it for me. Specifically the apartment complex because on that level I get legit 4 fps at maximum. Just tell me if you notice anything thats weird or should be changed.

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I made this comment my wallpaper. I hope you dont find that weird...

Thanks for playing my glorious garbage. In the tutorial is tells you that you need to collect 6 ravioli from each level. Hope that clears up some stuff.

Ive been going through alot of stuff like trying to convince my friend not to kill herself and dealing with my own schizophrenia so I havent really been able to make it all that great. In fact, I am currently working on an update that will make the game possibly not trash. Sorry it wasnt good enough.

The game isnt even close to being finished but ok

So ive been doing some high intensity brain shattering thinking, and I realized what the problem with my game is: its terrible. But what makes it terrible? I did some more excruciatingly soul crunching thinking, and I have figured it out: theres no sound. Good games have sound. This game has no sound, so therefore it is bad. It also turned out its very bland. Apparently adding no decorations or furniture into a bunch of concrete rooms isnt that fun. Who would have guessed (I did, due to my superior intellect). So I decided I was going to basically recook the entire game by adding a bunch of furniture and other cool decorations that make the game feel less like a bunch of primitives thrown together and more like a bunch of primitives thrown together with at least some care. Thats going to take a while (I plan on completing this by December 18th) But its kinda hard to add that sort of stuff because of a few reasons:

1. I have schizophrenia, and autism, and tourettes, and probably a bunch of other stuff I dont know about. My mental instability makes is very difficult to even get the motivation to work on anything. But my logical thinking is stronger than anything life can throw at me. I WILL get this game completed, and people WILL play it. No matter what.

2. People are being really mean to me and disliking my videos a bunch and I dont know why. They also lied to me and tried to set me up. I know who is doing it I just dont understand why they would do this to me:

3. Losing the ones I love. Carl died. My cat died. People are telling me they are happy my cat died. I cant handle my friends and family dying anymore... I cant handle people making fun of their death anymore... and to top it all off...

My best friend Honey has cancer, and is going to die. I have to constantly spend alot of my time trying to convince her not to kill herself...

She changes her name and profile picture frequently, in case you were wondering.

4. I might become homeless. After years of living in a trailer sharing a room with my mom and my sister (until a month before my 15th birthday) we finally bought a house where I got my own room. But theres a problem. In the basement, there is a drain, and lately it has done the exact opposite of draining. Some guys showed up and shoved a camera snakey boi through the pipes and found out that tree roots are splitting the pipe open. They offered to fix it for a measly $9,000. We cant afford burger king how are we supposed to pay $9,000 to stop constant flooding right outside of my room. I guess we could just sell the house and move. Oh wait... nobody wants a house with flooded pipes. So yeah we are very screwed on that front. Still dont know what were gonna do.

5. My computer is trash. Self explanatory. My computer is a terrible chromebook laptop with slightly less than 2 gigs of ram (1.89 to be exact). Sometimes it does weird black box glitchy stuff and I have to restart it. Oh and one time it just decided it was going to factory reset itself for no reason. I lost my DATA.

6. I am a lazy sack of trash. Whenever im not begging Honey to stay alive, I usually just end up watching youtube or playing war thunder for hours. How am I supposed to get any work done when I am so flipping lazy and cant seem to find the willpower to do anything related to stealing ravioli. And for some strange reason, im always tired. I dont know why, probably everything in my life draining me in every way possible.

Anyway, enough of that garbage nobody cares about. Sorry about going off topic like that. I hope this post doesnt get deleted cuz im a dramatic idiot. Now to get to the important stuff. The reason I am making this post is because I want your opinion. I have already added a sound when you collect the ravioli, and a few background noises in some levels (you can see the result of that , along with the fully furnished level 1 here: I also added some background music in the first level as a test), but I was wondering if I should have any background music for the levels without general background sounds like wind and stuff like that. Or should I just keep the ambient background noises and keep the game "realistic" (at least as realistic as a game about stealing ravioli can get).  If you think I should add some music, tell me what kind you think would fit, and if you have any specific song recommendations, and if you do have a recommended song PLEASE make sure its copyright free. I really dont feel like dealing with a lawsuit right now. If you have any furniture or decoration ideas feel free to send them. Also, if you would like to help, that would be great. I dont know how you could help but if you somehow do I would appreciate it. Oh I guess you could make some art for the gallery or something like that.


According to your posts you made a video about every game except mine. I knew it wasnt the best but I didnt realise it was that bad. Im working on sound right now so maybe the next person to play my game wont be disappointed with my failures. Sorry to waste your time with my trash.

Also I just updated it

No I couldnt find anything that fit so its just ambient NOTHING lol

Its literally my first 3d game so how about you shut up

Ok where am I supposed to ask for permission

I dont need a lawyer or psychologist I just need him to not upload my gam

I have screenshots its obviously you subak stop lying you screwed up for the last time

The bricks were free and I never claimed I made them like you are doing. You asshole subak.