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(1 edit)

I absolutely love the game idea! Such a fun game. There are too few story-driven adventure games out there. Unfortunately I encountered some bugs that prevented me from finishing it (After finishing the ice-aliens I was not able to move anymore :( ). Also I could not interact with the food they were serving. 

One thing I would suggest is to remove the "timeout" (or make it a bit longer) when checking out the ambassadors notes the first time, or communicate that you are able to see the notes between visits again.

Another big improvement would be to make the text skippable, that would make game experience much smoother.

I'll definitely keep an eye on this game and look forward to play a bug-free version! Hope you find the time to fix the little issues that remain :)

(2 edits)

Thanks for the nice comment, and thanks for the timeout tip, it was something I had a hard time play-testing for because once you know whats on the page you don't know how long it takes to read for new eyes, and I didn't want to risk leaving the timeout time too long either, but I will definitely try and add some more time on. 

As it happens, i've reached the point in my spaghetti code where I cannot replicate the bugs people get any more, but I will certainly try and find work arounds. Definitely something to improve for the next game I make. 

Also with the skipping of dialogue I completely agree. Once again this really came down to a lack of play-testing and not knowing how much patience the player would have. It's something i've done in the past, and I don't really know why I didn't want to do it for this project when I was creating the dialogue system. Definitely something worth fixing.

Finally with the food interaction, this is probably because I havn't made it clear you have to repeatedly tap e, I wanted to make it a battle to actually eat the disgusting alien food they are feeding you. Perhaps next time i'll add an animation that happens as soon as the player presses E so that they see its a of "Tap E to eat" kind of deal.

Yeah, some feedback for tapping [e] would be great, just so u know as a player that your input is registered.

Anyway, I'll definitely follow up on the progress of this game :) ... I had such a good time playing it, even with the bug that stopped me from finishing ^^.