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Were you trying to submit a game that was made and uploaded long before the jam even started? The 72 hour jam was only started about 5 days ago. Unless I'm missing something, your game was published 31 days ago. Not to mansplain, but usually you're supposed to make the game entirely during the jam. That's the challenge, fun, and shared experience of a jam!

"Jam spamming" is a poor way to advertise your preexisting game, and hurts your reputation. As a better alternative, have you considered instead to sponsor game jam hosts in exchange for a shoutout/ad,  sponsoring a small prize in a jam to promote your game, or hosting your own jam?

Anyway, best of luck with your game. It looks pretty.


I don’t think this was made during the jam, it looks like it’s been around for a while. The entries have to be done within the 3 day timespan.