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Not sure why nobody has rated this game yet, since it looks so good.

 I really enjoyed playing this, but there were some issues. I found that the feel of the game was good, but mechanically it was lacking. There were a number of bugs, including enemies and the player being able to see through walls, the player being able to shoot through walls, the weapons sometimes not reacting to input, and there being almost nothing you could do once an enemy was attacking you at close range (the gun wouldn't fire for me and there was no way I could see for the player to get out of melee range; feel free to correct me if it was just my noobishness). 

I really respect and admire that you went for a more feature-rich game. The inventory, the crafting/combining, the heartbeat monitor, even the loading screen tips, all made the game feel full and finished. The problem with having all of these features is that I think the core gameplay quality suffered. Personally (for a game jam with limited time), I think that it would have been better to focus on the core aspects of the game and made them as fun and functional as possible. The scope was a bit too large, and I think that hurts the game, especially if it's done in 10 days.

Another thing that I think could really use an upgrade is the sound design. A lot of the sounds felt out of place or were poor quality (I think the footsteps in the snow sound is the worst offender). The footsteps were also kinda repetitive (one tip I would suggest trying is to change the pitch slightly of each footstep. That should help to add some variance).

Still a cool game, and I think you did a good job with this :)

yeah for Short jam the scale was to big. :) Thanks for playing it :)