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Just a tip, if you add velocity = move_and_slide(velocity) instead of just move_and_slide(velocity) then it'll fix the thing where you fall really fast and it'll fix the floating when you hit a ceiling. What it does is change your speed when you collide with things, meaning that you'll have slightly more realistic physics. I'm a dev using Godot as well and I know that every bit of advice helps :)

Also the code's G4M3R, and you're probably gonna have to change it now.

Wow thanks so much I really appreciate the feedback!!

Also how did you know that I was using move_and_slide(velocity) instead of velocity = move_and_slide(velocity) :O :O 

You see how when you walk over an edge without jumping there's a sharp decline and go to full falling speed instantly? Well I've had that same problem making my games and recently figured out the velocity = move_and_slide(velocity) trick, so I just thought I'd share.