Few ideas for improvements:
Firstly it would be awesome to play as different cans to save the princess! Maybe those could be unlocked by completing further levels.
Secondly i noticed that the time between cans spawning can sometimes take a long time which kind of breaks the fun flow of the game, other times they would game over me for no reason even before i dropped them.
Third i would love to see a counter telling you how many cans you have stacked. This was initially on the assumption the game wouldn't end till you dropped and it was all about how high you could go! But maybe that's an extra game mode you could add if you made a version 2.
Or what about a multiplayer mode where you battle for the tallest stack!
Saving the princess was a nice end game touch maybe if you added other levels the princess could be in another castle!
Overall it was a really fun game and i had a lot of fun trying to beat it ( although it took less than 10 tries). Would love to play a fully fleshed out version but under the constraints of the time limit i think you did a great job!