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Well, the concept has potential, the graphics and music are also pretty good. However some problems made my experience not as enjoyable as it could have been. My inputs felt delayed and the double jump was unpredictable. Some obstacles felt unavoidable due to their placements or the scroll speed. I also believe that my candy count wasn't reset between runs.

Overall it wasn't bad, I'd even say it was fun at the beginning of every run. Still, some polish and additional testing could have gone a long way.


Hi Edvcel! It's so right what you said.

The candy count is saved in the party. Surely a good way to introduce a market late hahaha! Excellent about the beginning!! Love that!

About the delayed, our team know that but I couldn't improve it before going live :) But I bet that it is so difficult to go until the end of the level and we will improve that in the future!

Really thanks Edvcel for playing & rate it!

When you told about unavoidable obstacles, were you talking about when the obstacles are as a difficult chain of them, weren't you? Or just one specific obstacle you couldn't avoid? Surely it is the first (because we found that error in the first version) but surely could be a different one.



Yeah, I couldn't avoid some chains of obstacles that felt as if I had to go somewhere in between the regular and the double jump. The single obstacles were all possible and nicely sized.