First, I’d like to say that Messy Academy is the best diaper-related visual novel game I know of and I’m considering becoming a supporter, which is kind of radical for me, but to me what you are doing is true art, not just more boring porn. However, I had some thoughts I’d like to share, and I recognize I’m just one opinion among many so nothing may come of this, but I wanted to say something anyway. I’m pretty gender fluid bordering on trans and have always identified more with my feminine side in daily life and so when it comes to VN games or manga/anime I tend to automatically identify more with the female characters and see things from their point of view. This is why I struggle to enjoy “harem” style stories because I can almost never identify with the male lead. I just fail to feel much of a connection to male characters. So, when I play Messy Academy I feel like the proverbial square peg in a round hole because in real life I feel much more like Miki, or Juliet, or Erika, but I don’t feel like Brandon at all. He and I simply don’t get along! I recognize that for a VN to be commercially successful it has to primarily cater to the widest possible audience, which I assume are males who do identify more with Brandon’s character, so I understand the direction the design of the game has gone from that perspective. Having said that, I would feel much more emotionally connected to the characters if there was an option to play as a female character in place of Brandon. This would also come with two additional benefits in terms of game play structure that I can see. First it would provide a way to start the game without a need for the whole hacking of the school’s computer to change the student records thing which would simplify the storyline, and second I think it would also provide a way to play Erika’s route romantically even if the characters are genetically-related as it would make the whole incest problem not so off-putting.
Anyway, that’s my 2 (or maybe even 3) cents. I hope nothing I say offends; I just really wish there was a way to play the game as a girl too! Btw, Miki, and Erika are my favorite characters and I struggle to decide between them, but I like several others as well. I think you did a very nice job with character design. I’m sorry this is such a long comment! I looked for a way to send it to you somewhere else but didn’t see any obvious way of doing so. Thank you for all your hard work!