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Richard has escaped from dinosaur island !

Welcome to the land of Christmas.

(1 edit)

Thanks Chris, I was keeping Dinosaur Island a secret!

Although I have used Adventuron in the past, I am still a novice in the world of IF. Hopefully I've learnt from my creation of Dinosaur Island and can improve on it in my latest adventure 'A Christmas Quest'.
Watch this space... I may even get it finished and submitted!

Coding starts today for me.
 - 12 locations in total.
 - A defined Christmas mission.
 - An odd 'Easter Egg' hidden away.
 - Location graphics - mostly looking like they were drawn by a drunken, crayon holding muppet (me!) 
 - A cute baby reindeer!  

Sounds good, especially the graphics.

Don't get your hopes up... They will be pretty terrible!

(I'm getting this out there now so I don't get judged to harshly on them!)