I've never used the InDesign template — that was created by James of Unknown Dungeon, or @unknwn_dngn on Twitter, so he might be a better person to ask. I can tell you about specifics I used in Affinity Publisher, though! (But just a heads up: I am keenly, awkwardly aware that the text is pretty small and tight in the originals, so if you have the space to go a little bigger, that might be welcome.)
- .25 inch margins
- .25 inch between text columns
- FONT Roboto Condensed 9pt
- LEADING 12pt
- SPACING 6pt following each paragraph, on a 6pt baseline grid (this is kind of a goofy way to do it, but I am trying to be economical with space)
- AUTO-HYPHENATION on in most places
- FONT D-DIN Condensed-Bold 36pt
- LEADING/SPACING are kind of irrelevant because I put the headings in separate text frames, flush with top margin, with the first line of body text sharing its baseline with the 1 inch mark
Hope that helps!