thanks for the support, the jumpstep was really broken, we will update soon.
I on the other hand found intro really okay. Especially since you can fast forward through it. It was nice. But I agree that jumping on those flying things is really frustrating as well as jumping on walls. It’s really easy to fall off the wall (maybe add some delay so that player doesn’t fall off instantly after pressing opposite direction key) and it’s really easy to have bad timing when jumping on those flying things. I think either hitbox should be more forgiving or at least there should be some visual indication that it’s right moment to press space.
Visual aspect of game is really good especially considering that game is quite fresh and not like 2 years in development and I think visual fidelity, variety of animations (like idle animation, loosing balance on platform edges and other small lanims) and neat player navigation (rolling and stuff) are 3 outstanding aspects of game