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Instant fun ! I like the cute aestetic of it all ^^ the controls are easy to get used to but the game still poses a challenge cause of the scoring/time limit insentive.

I also like the fact that you let the game start slow so that you can get a grasp of "ok how do i get on the ladder climb up/down and let go of the ladder... etc"

If i had to nitpick i'd say the only small issue i had was that it can be hard to know precisely what level of the shelf you're gonna grab from when you're on the ladder but that's really not that big of an issue anyway.

Overall solid experience so congrats to you guys :)


Thank you for your comment and feedback!

You are right that aiming on the ladder can be hard. We planned to make dynamic camera that will change angle and zoom on the player so you can be more precise, but you know... Time constraints and random events were against us.

I hope you had fun playing!


Wasn't that hard to be honest, like i said more of a nitpick than a bigger issue, plus that's jams, XD time constraints can be tough !

and no worries i had a good time playing :)