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Don't spam.


When did she spam? and why do you care? don't act all big and bad. Let her be god damn


She posted a bunch in a row. That's technically spamming. Also I'm not. I'm just telling someone not to spam. And I'm just saying not to spam. You're acting like I told her she can't use her devices anymore bc she did a simple little spam. Plus I care bc this is our community and one of the things we don't do is spam. Spamming isn't good. and it's kinda annoying. so what do you want from me? To leave them spam all they want and annoy everyone. Don't think so. Sorry.


Ok, but what is so wrong with spamming?

it's kinda annoying incase you didn't notice the many many times I mentioned that.

And you can't just ignore it? it's not hard to ignore spam. And I don't recall you ever mentioning the fact it's annoying.

I'm sorry. You're telling someone with anxiety to ignore something. And I did mention it twice so yeah. Now will you just get off my back for God sake.

What we want from you is to shut up and appreciate the joke

you mean the post? Yeah I get it but I was just tryingto stop spam. I thought they were spamming but they explained. And I know they didnt mean for spam and it was not actually spam. Also yeah the joke was good. It's like johnny deep and Donald trumpet. You know. Memes like that. But what I think would have been great. Is Bernie Sandal. 

okay Ill allow it because Bernie sandal is indeed funny also you posted your reply twice 

oh I did? Oops.

you mean the post? Yeah I get it but I was just tryingto stop spam. I thought they were spamming but they explained. And I know they didnt mean for spam and it was not actually spam. Also yeah the joke was good. It's like johnny deep and Donald trumpet. You know. Memes like that. But what I think would have been great. Is Bernie Sandal. 

ima just say this right now all i wanted to do is send 3 images, 3 simple images its nothing to get worked up over and im not gonna deal with you being a bit rude and arguing back and forth with someone im not gonna deal with i understand you dont want me to spam and yea im sorry for that and i didnt mean to upset anyone but it doesnt mean you have to act like i was doing it on purpose to upset anyone

post them in one thing then. Bc you made me think you were spamming. Sorry jeez. 

i actually dont go by she im acutally non binary but its oki

Ohhh ok my bad

its fine im used to it