Pretty damn solid! Not without any fault though...
My biggest issue was with the controls. Trampoline collision detection seemed a bit finicky and not finishing the draw when you went off screen was annoying. Like at least half of my tries ended because I failed to draw a trampoline near the edge of the screen. Launching the cat was a needlessly "complicated" maneuver too, especially since angle didn't matter and you'd always just go full force. And I hated how the distance indicator after failed try blocked relaunch.
Also didn't quite like how the neither angle of the trampoline nor the length really meant anything. Sure you could aim for a milk or those boost pads but they were only visible in like 1% of the cases. Longer trampolines used more milk but also provided with more boost giving you pretty much the same bang for buck what ever you do. Kinda removed any skill component from the game since the shorter trampolines obviously were more risky play.
The whole shop thing seemed kinda pointless too since it looks like you need pretty much all upgrades to succeed. Well expect for the fish things since you will end up with more than you can spend. Of course not capping the upgrades would be one way to go but obviously that would also lessen the difficulty by a lot and. Well there wasn't really that much skill based difficulty anyway since it was mainly about grinding all the upgrades first and then just keep launching and hope for the best. Like for example I had to do around 10-15 extra launches after buying everything on the shop cause I just kept being around 1-2 kilometers short and there was pretty much nothing I could have done better on those tries.
I really liked the art but the low-rezness, the color palette etc made it look hard to read. At least for me it was quite difficult to distinguish things from others (at least on the beginning). The audio was quite superb too but there was this off-putting crackling there at times.
Anyways, awesome job! 👍