Yeah, it definitely does have many interpretations, as we can see in all the lovely entries the Jam got (though I've only played about 7 of them so far, but they were all very different). It's a nice idea to make the game according to that vision, just a lot more subtle than most of the entries I've seen including my own. Which doesn't mean it's bad at all, in fact I rated your game the highest out of all the ones I played because I enjoyed it the most! I think I'd be up for playing a sequel to the game made in a similar vein, yay for pirate tiles!
I generally prefer happier stories, but I do have some dark concepts as well that may or may not some day become reality. A Jam like this might've been a good opportunity to mess around with themes like that in a not too serious manner indeed! I saw you had a post-apocalyptic game uploaded, but instead went and just played the Otome (I will leave some feedback on the page of that game).
I appreciated it! I really loved almost everything about them, Callie reminded me of Yuki from my own game a bit because of her broom (though I think you didn't reach that part in KDM yet) so that made it fun, and Bobby's ultra relaxed attitude (up to the great dialogue after the Mona bossfight) combined with his voice acting were just great!
That description of Amina reminds me a bit of a certain character I love a lot (who also happens to be my profile icon)! I only read one CLAMP work, X was actually one of my first mangas but it was never finished here. D: It's so long ago that I don't remember if it had any twists of that sort up to the point where the releases stopped. I found the twists upon twists at the end of your game very entertaining regardless, however! I must also admit to my shame, that I've never played any Final Fantasy. When it comes to JRPG, Atelier is my favourite series and one of the only JRPGs I've played a lot of!
Your "voice acting mission" seems like a good one, since I think voice acting in the west should to be brought up to a more respected position like it seems to be in Japan (how some western games don't even seem to credit their voice actors is beyond me). However, I personally wouldn't even know where to get voice actors, I usually try to do everything in my games myself. D: Probably part of the reason why I haven't made super many yet and have not too much confidence in my work!