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Hey ! :) Here's a full review of what I've felt while playing the game


It looks good! All assets seem to work well together :) It's nice to have different visuals for each spell 


The audio feels nice, there are different SFX for each spell and that's a great addition!


It's great to have the different keys written somewhere. Not the best tutorial but at least it explains how to play. You just forgot the space key.

Unfortunately you removed it in the post jam update (I didn't take it in account for rating, I only rated the jam version).


  • Some enemies have too much health imo, and they attack extremely fast, it feels a bit unfair, mainly when there are multiple ennemies surrounding you.
  • Fixed in the post jam version, and I think it's important that you added health bars. That's much less frustrating :D
  • The game feels more like "steal and run" than an actual mob fighting game, because of the difference of power between the enemies and the player (even in the update). I finished the game by rushing the keys and the doors, without even taking the time to fight because I'd die
  • The "random spell change" is a bit problematic imo, I'd like to be able to change the spells myself. Even if I agree that's an elegant way to have the theme in your game.


I like the different spells, it makes the game interesting and funnier.


Fixed in the post jam version, but the ground enemy did nothing in the game.

Sometimes the walls can be used as ground, their collision might not be working correctly. I didn't check it in the post jam update though.


You're in the theme :)


Hi thanks for the review!

In response to your point about the random spell changing, I am looking into possible alternatives to make the game more interesting, currently im torn between two possibilities.

One option is to implement spell crafting, repurposing the editor tools i made this project into an ingame UI.

The second option is to simply make spells a collectable that can be found in levels / bought in shops, in regards to this option I would also consider changing the game to be a roguelike with different spells that can be collected each run.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

You're welcome :)

I think spell crafting is an interesting idea, and I'd love to see how you'd implement it. Would it require some elements found in levels? Drawings? ...


The pieces would be found in levels, the pieces collected can then be assembled into different spells.

The cost of the spell would be linked to the components attached, with modifiers such as damage, range and number of projectiles getting exponentially more expensive. 

The best example for this I know of that has been done before is the spell crafting system in Tyranny. 

The player would be able to equip one spell of each element at a time, using num keys or a quick select menu to swap spells.

The idea sounds great! :)  

I think it would make a great post jam update :D