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(2 edits)

Not sure what exactly is going on from that error log buts it's seriously messed up.  Could you zip a copy of your main game folder and your AricsExpansion folder and upload so I can look over them directly?  Just upload here.

Edit: got it, I'm having a look

Zipped and uploaded.

Ok, it appears that the AricsExpansion folder you provided is missing most of the files.  Try deleting it and replacing with the AricsExpansion one in the main set of files in the original post.  That fixed it for me. I loaded one of my test saves rather than yours, but zero errors on startup, so hopefully that's all it takes.  Give it a go, and let me know if you encounter more errors (or if you're all set).

(1 edit)

Oh..... I see.... So I see where my issue came from. In the how to guide it says to: drag and drop the "AricsExpansion" folder over the one you got from and click yes when it prompts you to overwrite.  It replaces two files: and 

"Move the folder "AricsExpansion" from to C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods\"

But if I do exactly that it deletes 22 odd files. Or at least it did for me. However if I go to C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Strive\mods\aricsexpansion\scripts\aricsexpansion\ and only replace the three files that are provided with the patch file then all is good. Is that what you intended?

Well there are no more script errors popping up. YAY!

Lastly... I STILL cant choose a head girl. Kinda annoying since that feature goes a long way to keeping slaves happy/obedient. 

A headgirl needs to be rich or noble I think.  You probably don't have one of those yet.

The AricExpansion folder in the main download needs to go under mods directly. The one in the patch should only overwrite those few files, but should not delete the rest.  There's a step in the installation instructions that says to rename any existing "AricsExpansion" folder before copy/pasting the one in the main download there so it doesn't get overwritten. You don't want to mix those or overwrite, but yeah, losing all the rest of the files would be worse.  Just let me know if you run into any more problems.  Your main game files looked A-ok, so you should be all set now.

(1 edit)

Ah... I see. I misunderstood. Usually when I read to change the name of a folder to whatever I assume that folder isn't needed anymore or is just a back up. You know what they say about assuming... Ugh. Except for that slave market thing I do believe I wasted a bit of you time. Well you handled it like a champ and I really apricate it! 

P.S. And you are right. The head girl requires Rich or higher and that the player has at least 8 slaves.