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Penguins and ducks are comrades since ancient times. 
The game has great visuals and really fun mechanics. Sadly after the tutorial I never got another card. Could I ask you about the generation of the rooms? I was trying to do something like this in godot.

What I like

  • The generation of rooms
  • The variety of enemies
  • The inventory was an original concept
  • The penguin
(1 edit)

Thanks for the Feedback. Yes of cause you can, what do you want to know?  We hand crafted the rooms for now and the Dungeon itself is randomly generated

About the dungeon what's the process to generate the room. Each room contains a reference to the next room to spawn room?
Or there's a script that controls the generation of each room and their openings?

All rooms of a level are generated at the start and saved in an dictionary with their grid coordinates, when the player moves into one door it emits a signal to the map with the direction of the door