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This is a lovely looking and very well written game with quite an unusual format for Adventuron - one of the most original things I've seen done with it, in fact. I like your characters (Gord is hilarious - I could talk to him all day) and the relationship with Pel is sweet, if veering a little too far into the saccharine for my taste.  But I suppose this is a Christmas fairy tale after all.

Your experience of escape rooms really shows here: the puzzles are clever and well implemented.  Unfortunately, I found them just a bit too hard and a major interruption to the gameplay while I struggled to progress, since the player is locked into each puzzle until it is completed.  I'm not very familiar with these sorts of puzzles and found them a bit frustrating.  Pel helps (a really well implemented progressive hint system, and I enjoyed that you even provided a response to getting her name wrong which, of course, I did) but I would have preferred a way to leave and come back to puzzles, or skip them altogether. But maybe that wouldn't work with the structure of the game.

In any case, and despite those negatives, it is a very smoothly implemented and enjoyable game. Well done!

Alllooo, Christopher! Thank you so much for your comments. I was worried a lot about the accessibility of the puzzles and the audience this was intended for and did heavy beta testing, but still didn't find enough people who were NOT puzzle enthusiasts (since that's the normal audience I interact with).

At the same time, I didn't want my puzzle people to veer too far off from the task at hand (by being able to leave puzzles) because the adventure game format was foreign to them. 

So it was difficult both ways. Ha! Still, it was a fun exercise for me to attempt, and I learned a lot. 

(Also, the relationship with Pel is based on my relationship with my wife. And I know that it's a bit much for those around us. So I have to apologize to many people for sharing that to a wider audience. :D )