Sorry for the English. i used deepL traductor.
Premise I will make for everyone. Thank you very much for participating in the Jam. I am not on the organizing staff of the Jam but I was involved anyway. Thanks to the Jam, I have discovered and read numerous Buzzati stories. These entries, though not so many, are a tribute to this great personality. Much esteem and much love!
When I first saw the game, I thought it was a non-jam game. I apologize for that bias. I read it thoroughly, understood how to play, and enjoyed it. I can tell you that the game is respectful of Buzzati.
The first few games were all failures, however, I appreciated the text tied to the outcome of the game. Eventually I got hooked and played until I got to the second floor.
I report a small bug: at one game I was on floor 4 and the card to get off (which works from floor 4) didn't work. It only happened once though.
In coclusion this game was a nice surprise. Congratulations!