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This is actually a lot of fun. I love the art and the voice lines. A couple of things in case you have time to fix it before the jam ends:

I can barely see the art even in fullscreen mode. Maybe it would look better on a phone, but you could try to improve the scaling a bit. Still looks good though.

I would like to be able to add ingredients without waiting for the animation to play. There's just no reason to make the player wait for it, design-wise.

Hey Delthor! Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated.

I always have problems with scaling. I have my Canvas set to Scale with Screen Size, it's 720x1560 but I set the scale on WebGL to 360x780 half of the original to fit on a laptop screen? Any recommendations?

I notice if I disable the timer for adding ingredients, the player can just spam infinite ingredients, I think that would break the game. I could try making the animation faster.

Full screen and scaling added to the game!😁