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Thanks for the detailed feedback and the kind words!

My aim was to make a not too difficult, child-friendly game with a Christmassy feeling even if it’s not strictly-speaking Christmas-themed. So I guess I succeeded? :)

Regarding putting things on the altar, containers/supporters are not well supported (pun non intended!) in Adventuron (and not well documented), as are complex commands, so I think I’ll have to do with the issue. I added a note in the help to say that you just have to drop the thing if you want to put it on something else. And the game specifies at the beginning that you have to use 2-word commands anyway. I hope it’ll be enough.

I also added a message when you go to the island for the first time, as you suggested.

Regarding the miscapitalisation and the missing words, since you haven’t told where they are, I didn’t correct them.

Anyway, thanks again!

(1 edit)

You definitely succeeded - my nearly 8-year old loved it.

With the altar: containers are difficult, but you could anticipate someone not noticing the 2-word restriction and deal with it in on_command with something like:

 : match "put _"  {
   : if (is_carried (s1())) {
      : if (noun2_is "altar"&&is_at "stone_circle") {
         : print {("You put the "+s1()+" on the altar.")} ;
        : drop quiet = "true" ;
      : else {
         : print "The altar is not here." ;
: else {
   : print "You are not carrying it.";

(or do the same as above but print "You only need two words in this game - just drop it" or something as the response, if you want to be strict about that).

With the typos - sorry, should have noted them as I went along. Another quick run through reveals:

(at stone circle): "in the centre of the circle, ['stands' or 'you can see'] what seems to be an altar"

and there is definitely an errant capital that I spotted somewhere but can't find it now... If I see it again, I'll let you know.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to write this code.

Unfortunately, I was a bit away from Adventuron and the jam (I had other priorities), so I didn’t have time to add it to the game. I’ll keep it under my belt for next time, whenever there is one!