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(3 edits) (+4)(-17)

Wow I didn't know we had to pay to play the game, all my time waiting gone... But I guess it makes sense cause of the quality of the game is awesome. The story, the illustrations, the characters and so much more... And yes it is super affordable but I'm broke at the moment so I'll have to wait before I can finally download the game. ;-; But can't wait till I finally do!


i mean they have been working for years on this game.. It makes sense that we have to pay for it. Also 10$ is affordable 


Also... this sequel was always planned as commercial, the cost is clear since the release of the first CP. And yes, it's still very affordable.

(2 edits) (+5)(-9)

omg, really now? wtf is wrong with you?! Even the first one was waaayyy too good to be free, I ever wondered, why they don't sell it for money! This game is so good and they fully deserve it to sell their VN!


"You dont even deserve to play it with that attitude" bruh chill they only said they didnt know they had to pay. You do realize we're in a very taxing situation and for some people, every dollar counts. They simply didnt know in advance that they'd have to save money, and there's nothing wrong with that. Anyway, I hope enjoy the game.


Agreed. Sorry a kid without $10 was an offense of the highest order, KuruChan. They're falling over themselves to praise the game and find the money for it.