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Interesting concept. I like the idea of a game made from being locked in quarantine. Some bugs that came up for me is that the music stopped playing after a while and wouldn't come back and that some times I either would be able to stop doing a task or start a new one. One time the animation for one of the tasks continued even as I left the room and started new tasks. Also, the time of tasks was a little confusing to me. The way you have, where you complete them for as long as you seem odds, and it makes more sense to me to have tasks have a set time to complete. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing. Sorry about the bugs. This game was made in less than 50 hours. Every task has a dynamic scoring system as per time.

Example if you watch TV in morning it will not gain you much but when you watch it in evening you'll gain way more.
Also each task has a cooldown, meaning if you had completed one task at 8:50 at night than if there's a cooldown for that task for 1 hours you won't be able to redo the task till 9:50.
Some tasks have a ending time meaning you can work on something for just 1 hour and then task will stop but for a few we removed that.
So if you want to watch TV the whole day you can but then it will lose you physical health greatly.
Hope you enjoyed playing the game.