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A member registered Jun 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi, the link you sent doesn't work. Double-check that the link is correct and that your game is shared on scratch. Thanks.

Yeah, we definitely didn't communicate this well, but "weak" means that the articles aren't really related and your post isn't really factual.  Thank you for your feedback though! 

This game is oddly satisfying even though part of me know that I shouldn't be rooting for everyone to get a virus. 

Really interesting concept that fits the theme well. I think the idea but I do feel like 20 is a bit too many rounds and it starts to get repetitive. Really cool graphics also. Although I will say that it took me a little while to figure out which one I was, so making the past rounds a more desaturated color could help with this. Also, it doesn't make sense to me that pink kills you when you are pink yourself. These are minor things and I was able to figure them out pretty quickly but thought I would bring it up. Good game. 

Solid simple puzzle game. One thing that confused me was why I had to press LMB to rotate the vacuum. It makes more sense to me to have the vacuum always face the mouse. 

We saved the tutorial for the last day so I feel I didn't explain the premise well. You are supposed to be able to buy whichever articles you can afford and then combine them together to create a new headline. In the my blog tab you should be able to drag the post-it notes at the bottom into the two slot (grayed out post-its) and if there is a connection it appears in the left-hand side and you can select and hit publish.  This works on my end, but it is possible it doesn't work on other devices. Either way, thank you so much for your feedback!

Thank you for your kind feedback. This was the first game that I had published, but I am glad people can still find enjoyment out of it besides all of the bugs in it. 

Yeah, Unity has been doing this thing where the builds are significantly faster then what is in the editor.  It was almost too easy in the editor, but then when it built it became ridiculous. Maybe when the jam ends I can fix it. Luckily the multi-player seems un affectived. 

Interesting mechanic, I am sure there can be a lot of interesting gameplay you can do if you continue on with this. Even though the visuals are somewhat simple, they work really well for the game. One suggestion I have would be to add enemy health bars. Especially if the damage of the bullets changes throughout the game, it would be nice to know how close I am to killing the enemy. 

Well, I did do that, but there is probably some other mischief going on that I can't see.

Yup, that makes complete sense. That's probably what it is. 

Lol. For some reason the enemy became much faster in the built version. I dont know what happened, but it is what it is.


To everyone who didn't make it to the workshop, I uploaded a demo from an astroids-like game. Hope this helps you and good luck!  

I love the art style (especially the backdrop).  I also like the story behind the game. However, a couple of things felt odd to me. One was that the character seemed to jump much higher than would be expected for his size. Not a big deal, but felt kinda strange at times. The other thing was that while I liked the idea of being hurt over time, it kind of undercuts the damage done by enemies. While enemies still did hurt you, they weren't significant to the amount you would be hurt by standing still. Still, good job. 

I think the characters in this game are really cute but don't really work great for a top-down game. I agree with others that the movement felt slow, and greatly affects the feel of the game. If this was a story-driven game where you are supposed to move through the levels slowly, having a slower character may be alright, but for a game like this it doesn't really work. 

I like the use of the "2020" as a number rather than the year. The simple gameplay is nice and refreshing. Also, good job creating a natural difficulty curve with just the core mechanics. I will say that I was confused at first at the red pickups because I had assumed that green was supposed to be collected and red avoided.  Also, the turning felt a bit wide. 

There is a lot here that could be interesting. The art style and color palette give a really nice vibe to the game, but I found it very hard to learn. I see you added a tutorial, which is helpful but there is a lot more the could be added to the game itself to help players learn the game better. For example, it took me a good while to figure out what the differences between the buildings are, and even now I don't know what any of them do. If you could communicate what they are, either in the art or with titles that would help a lot. Overall making better communication for this game would help a lot.  I also found it odd there appeared to be a grid but that the pieces didn't follow it. 

Interesting concept. I like the idea of a game made from being locked in quarantine. Some bugs that came up for me is that the music stopped playing after a while and wouldn't come back and that some times I either would be able to stop doing a task or start a new one. One time the animation for one of the tasks continued even as I left the room and started new tasks. Also, the time of tasks was a little confusing to me. The way you have, where you complete them for as long as you seem odds, and it makes more sense to me to have tasks have a set time to complete. 

Interesting concept. I like the idea of a game made from being locked in quarantine. Some bugs that came up for me is that the music stopped playing after a while and wouldn't come back and that some times I either would be able to stop doing a task or start a new one. One time the animation for one of the tasks continued even as I left the room and started new tasks. Also, the time of tasks was a little confusing to me. The way you have, where you complete them for as long as you seem odds, and it makes more sense to me to have tasks have a set time to complete. 

Cute concept and I liked the graphics. One thing that I will mention is that it would be nice if there was some way to tell if there was a person in the car, as I was confused about what to do for a good while because I didn't know I already had someone in my car. Also, the game play can get a little repetitive, so if you were to work on this further, adding some variation may be a good idea. 

Love the idea of this. Truly felt like going through 2020, where things were always worse than they seemed. I'll say a couple of things. One the controls feel a little clunky to me (I may just need to get used to them though) and two the character seems too large for the world, which felt a little awkward. Otherwise good work. 

Tried loading your game and itch told me that it couldn't find it. You should be able to see on the upper left hand side "Submitted to Game Jam 2020 AD" under "rate this game" on your project page once you submit it. 

Hello, we were wondering if anyone would be willing to playtest our draft of the game. I would play test other games I get to. 

Here is our project page:

Audio is crap, but here it is. 

Hey I played your game and made a quick video. My mic is a little quiet so it's hard to hear, but I thought I would send it to you anyway. Your game starts at 00:19

Hey I played your game and made a quick video. My mic is a little quiet so it's hard to hear, but I thought I would send it to you anyway. Your game starts at 30:37.

Hey I played your game and made a quick video. My mic is a little quiet so it's hard to hear, but I thought I would send it to you anyway. Your game starts at 12:44


(1 edit)

Hey I played your game and made a quick video. My mic is a little quiet so it's hard to hear, but I thought I would send it to you anyway. Your game starts at 18:53.

The visual and audio work well together to create a nice experience. The style of the game is very consistent and well conveyed. 

Somethings were a little confusing to me at first though.  Like for one, should I be trying to hit squares that are the same color as me?  This does not seem to be conveyed clearly to me. A small tutorial or introduction would be nice to tell users what they are supposed to do. Also, this isn't what I typically think of when I hear "survival game," so this was certainly not what I expected when I downloaded it.  Not a big deal, but it may mislead other people in the future also.  

Another problem I encountered (and this may just be my computer) is that the bottom is cut off so there seems to be things that I can't access. 

Overall that game-play is pretty fun although simplistic is pretty fun and addicting.  The main problems I had with it was just communication. Well done. 

I considered whether to have a happy ending at the end, but eventually decided that it would take away from the ultimate premise of the game. It's cool that we had similar ideas though! It shows that great minds think a like. 

Yeah I did consider whether to make it so that you have to complete the levels first. The only reason I didn't is because for some reason I felt it fit better with the story?  I was thinking that it made it seem more like the memories were fading forever if you didn't catch them in time, and that you would have to move on. Buuuut... I also allowed players to repeat levels so I don't know really what I was thinking. I'm glad you liked the game though!

Hey I made a video with your game. Your game starts at 4:58.  I am not a professional so the quality is not great, and take my comments with a grain of salt. 

Hey I made a video playing some games. The quality isn't great, but I am thinking of making another one if anyone wants me to play their games.

Also it would be great if people would check out my game:

Hey I made a video playing your game. Your game starts at 26:00. I am not a professional so the quality isn't great, Hope it is helpful anyway. 

Hey I made a video playing your game.  Yours starts at 39:57. I am not a professional, so the quality is pretty low. And I am not great at games so I couldn't get very far, but I hope it was helpful anyway. 

Hey I made a video playing your game. You game starts at 19:09. I am not a professional, and the quality is low, but hopefully it is still helpful feedback. 

Hey I made a video playing your game. Your game is the first one I played.  Also don't expect much, I am not a professional, so the quality isn't great.  Either way, this was a great game. I didn't play much of it (I'm not very good at video game), but I could tell that this was a well put together game. 

Hey I made a video playing your game. Your game starts at 8:14. I am not a professional video maker or anything, so the quality isn't create but I thought some real time feedback would be nice.  

I just reviewed your game, but let me know if there is something specific you wanted feedback on. 

Also if your interested here is my game:

Interesting concept. I think the idea of using your past lives to help you move forward, and I can see a lot of interesting puzzles being created with it. Also you did a good job with creating levels and tutorials that ease the player into the game and teach them the main mechanics. 

Somethings that could improve the game is someway to completely restart the level without just making a copy of yourself.  I often got into a situation where I immediately knew I made a mistake, but seemly had no way to completely reverse it.  I ended up with a huge field of old runs that I couldn't get rid of. It is a small thing, but I think it could have a big impact on gameplay. 

Also I love the art style, but I think the character felt a bit big for his environment. Also the eraser was a cute animation, but I bit slow for me (who is very impatient). If you do have time later, it might be fun to come up with a little story for the game also. 

Either way good work.