This is what happens when you just finish watching a glmm called “This Christmas”:
These are real tears now fake ones, look at my eye-lashes, you can see the tears on my face it was so sweet!
nooo don’t cry!!
sad backwards is das
And das not good
I give you cookies lad
Ty buddy! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas duchi ily
l luv ya too mate 🙂 merry Christmas
merry Christmas how was ur Christmas😊
it was great! How about you?
mine was also great!!
they put eye drops in my eyes, I can’t see shit now
I’m typing this by myself mAte
oh thata sucks mate are u okay?
no... it feel like my eyes are bleeding
they said the effects would wear off
I feel like it messed with me.. mentally
everything hurts
awww don’t cry
Here’s a kitten named mittens🐈
Awwww! Ty also! Merry Christmas!
I just watched it lad. Lemme cry with you now T^T
:) Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to u too!
or u could drop some water in your eyes and blink a few types, making your eyelashes wet and causing the water to trickle down your cheek
j actually did cry plus that crap hurts. I did it once in school... dont do that it hurts like falling from the airplane but ur parachute broke.