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Totally agree! A good, bad and neutral ending for all the characters is a great idea! I'll even implement it into my visual novel whenever I get started on it...

Anyway, I wonder if the Echo writers ever see these comments?

To be  a truly great author,  you should take into account  what others think. And I don't see a reason adding happy endings would really change what the story is about! Like Chase and Leo could get back together, but the town is ruined, Chases project is ruined and maybe he won't be friends with one or more of the others anymore? Actually in a "happy" Leo ending I think things won't turn out good for Flynn!

I'm sure they probably receive notifications, but if I had to guess, they don't have many staff members, so it's hard for them to get to the comments? I've seen them comment on one of the comments multiple weeks ago, they're busy people, I'm sure they want to read, but don't have the time. I guess for TJ's Good/Bad/Neutral, Neutral could be just a plain friendzone, or it leaving off with TJ struggling to figure his sexuality out, Chase helping him along. Good could be them getting together and working on the project, taking hikes, etc. and Bad would be his current ending- I haven't completed anyone else's routes, working on Leo's right now, actually, so I can't add onto anyone else's routes.

Yeah, makes sense their busy.  Interesting ideas for good and neutral routes.

Oh, I see. When your down with leos route, you can read my fanfic about an alternate way it ends.

once i'm finished all of their routes, i could honestly just write good/neutral/bad, if i want to make my own psychological torture for myself LMAO

Lol! My fanfic is an actual happy ending though.

Here if your interested

offtopic of your fanfic, which i may read!! 

i noticed things that counter other routes- (SPOILERS)

in tjs route, chase visits the 'forest', and claims that he saw a dead fox in the forest once, however in leo's route, he says he's never seen a dead body before ...

Tell me what you think if you do read it!

Hmm, I thought that was a hallucination so maybe it doesn't count? 

i'm not sure, it might have been a hallucination, or maybe not- i finished leo's good route and honestly im quite satisfied with the ending. i feel like they both matured, and were smart enough to cease their communication for as long as we can see. very good ending im cured of my trauma

It is kinda hard to tell, maybe it was the ghost reliving his death? Does that even make sense? 

Yeah, they did seem to have matured, and they did say goodbye on friendly terms and leave it open for them to possibly be friends again someday. It's just sad Leo was so hurt and cried for almost two years over losing Chase. Sure he had been doing some pretty messed up things, but Chase should have contacted him and made sure he was ok or something!

i do agree, chase should have contacted him, or tried to, but it seemed like they no longer had eachother's contact information? since they decided not to share it together, that's what i think happened. even then, i think kudzu would have probably told chase to not since the last time they saw leo, he was pretty messed up