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Pinned ReplyAdmin (4 edits) (+16)

I agree with the sentiment about people being nicer, but I think that you’ve conveniently left out the original reason why you’re creating these topics.

Do not ask for games to be free. From what I can see, people are down-voting you because you are begging for paid games to be made free on the comments of a game. That is against our rules. I repeat, Do not post on a developers page asking them to make their game free. Do not complain about the price of a game on a developers page. It is the developer’s choice to price their game.

Please stop creating the same topic over and over again here. I already warned you about being civil in our community, and we will have to block you from posting if you can’t do that


Thanks for clearing that one up on us. Of course, in stead of downvoting wouldn't it be more prudent just to report "make this game free" beg comments? (I didn't know it was officially against the rules, but it's good to know so I can report such post in the future).


Yup, people can report those posts and we’ll clean them up.

This is actually what killed Reddit in general.

It's like giving trolls some rocks to throw at people.