How do you make the repeat until hands empty/hands full work? Because when I try to use it all it does is glitch out with either the hands full repeating forever even when it is full or hands empty with keep on using the item (for example the robot cutting down trees will glitch and still use the "axe" even after it is broken and will not go back to get a new axe.)
i use the repeat commands for my picking up items bots
EDIT: also try restarting your game
forever start
-repeat until full
-find nearest tree seed
-move to tree seed
-pick up tree seed
end of repeating
-repeat until empty
-move to general storage
-add to general storage
end of repeating
forever end
also i use it for my shovel bot
forever start
-repeat until empty
-find tree soil
-move to tree soil
-use held item
end of repeating
-grab another axe
forever end