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Make and teach robots to automate the world! · By Denki

Autonauts FAQ Sticky

A topic by Denki created Jul 08, 2017 Views: 77,089 Replies: 682
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Developer (9 edits) (+8)(-1)

Pre-Pre-Pre-Alpha, eh? Just how far from complete is Autonauts?

In some respects it's a complete thing right now. But it's not a full thing - there's still a long way to go; so much more we want to do.

"Is the world size going to stay the same?"
(Insanity125 via Discord)

Nope, the world will get bigger as the game grows.

"Do you think weather would be a option to have in the game?"
(Insanity125 via Discord)

We do! Seasons are part of the master plan.

"And, um, a height limit for items? I have a giant stack of items that really block my view."
(Insanity125 via Discord)

Heh. There's no limit yet. Use General Storage to keep things neat and tidy.

What about day and night cycles?

Not sure yet. We have thought about it but we want to make sure it isn't just for show.

Where would I find the save data?

Well, now you can choose where you want to save it; before Version 7 the data was saved by default to these locations:

  • On Windows...  C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Denki\Autonauts\Test.txt
  • macOS... Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/Denki/Autonauts/Test.txt

What are you using use to make Autonauts?
(MatrixzCFW via Discord)

I'm stuck. Is there a wiki?

Check out this awesomeness!

I have a suggestion/bug!

Cool! We thrive on feedback from you guys. It's possible, however, that your suggestion/bug has already been suggested/...bugged. You can find our current lists for both of these ere.


Are you able to replant trees?


you use shovels to dig holes and then you put seeds into a seed tray and then put those seedlings into the holes


you can also just make a hole and add a tree seed...

Yes, first you make a shovel and dig a hole. Then, build a seedling tray. Put acorns into it. Then you can take them out as saplings. Right click a hole while holding  a sapling.


I'm really excited for this game. Is there any idea on the pricing, and do you have plans for making your own Trello page


Plz dont add a price


why not ?  would you work for free !


I don't have money, so I think it should stay at choose your price. (I still feel like it should be accessible,but still able to support the developer somehow!)


yesyes i like dat 2

Yes but Denki could add in game purchases.


Thanks! We have absolutely no idea what we'll charge for this. Literally nothing :) We just haven't had time to think that far. We've used Trello in the past but actually find Google Docs more convenient for the way we work.


how do i download it for windows?

if your reading this plz add in some way to tame those things that have the faces


you mean the humans? YOU CANT TAME HUMANS they are already humaine

Hey Denki!

I love the game but what is the difference between bots (basic and crude)

Basically the Normal ones move faster and have more battery so they don't need to be recharged as often as the Crude ones.

crud work less effienct and basic are much bestter in battery and spped

(1 edit)

what  can i use milk for??


At the moment you can make Milky Porridge or give it directly to the Folk but we'll be adding more uses for it in later versions.

Make it possible to load version with ads to make it possible to support without paying.

(1 edit)

You should put it on Steam, and make it around $20, $15-$25 maybe i see $16 as a good price but like you said its not done.


Hi, I am thinking of releasing a game with the same pricing model as you - that is optional. I don't expect to make a lot of money and I understand to get exposure it's best to be free. But I would like to ask - do you get even a reasonable sum from this pricing? Like enough to pay half the rent (of a flat, not offices)?  How many people would I lose if I sell the game at like 3 dollars? 

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hi, Johny. Good question!

TBH we weren't expecting to make anything from donations so it still gives us the warm fuzzies when people donate anything :)

Donations so far have been between 50p (about 67¢) and £35 (about $47) but mostly towards the lower end of the scale. The number of people who've donated represents around 1% of the total downloads so far (and the number of downloads averages around 50% of the page views). It all helps but it's not enough to cover our basic costs so we're in the process of figuring out about how best to address that moving forwards.

We haven't exactly promoted Autonauts and it may be that it's simply attracting as many people as it deserves. We do appreciate that it's still early days in its development and we haven't been too clear about where it's going, so that needs reinforcing regardless of how we decide to fund ongoing development.

Hope that's of some help. Happy to answer any more questions you might have :D

Thank you. You were more informative than I expected. :)

I’m playing this game with my kids and we all love it. It is brilliant. I don’t mind to pay for such a good game, but I suggest that keep the basic game free, but charge for special items or advanced features.

"keep the basic game free, but charge for special items or advanced features" I agree.


are you the same denki that made monster force 5? that game was so addicting, and so is this one. 


The very same :)


How in the heck do you get standard gears?


You use a gear router, it needs to be placed on flooring and a gear costs a plank.

For me there literally is no gear router


It is called a wood router, It can make a gear or a wheel.


Cars with wheels?! 



Not yet maybe someday but for now just a little squeaky scooter :)


@Pr3h1st0r1c Cheers!


Amazing game :)
If development help is needed feel free to contact me at:

Whats the use for the Recycler and how do you get water for porridge? 

The Recycler returns you the items used to make something, but natural things like metal ore won't come out as something else because it wasn't made out of anything.

Gather water using buckets, you can craft them with the basic workbench.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

My robot has a low battery icon... how do i charge him??? Also, the game is fantastic. I love it. thanx for making my ideas come to life without me doing work :P

Left click on them when the battery is completely low. It works for me but I have my robots do that now :)


the best way . you can teach you robot to recharge anotherr robot . 

What is the difference between Crude Workers and Basic Workers?

Basic can move faster, hold more items in their hands, and I think lose charge slower? I haven't paid attention to it that much with me automating the recharge process.

How did you automate the recharge?

he did it with robots you teach the robot to recharge a robot :

when a robots battery "dies" you click on teach you click on the robot and repeat and go and you can make a charging robot for the charging robot so you  have to recharge the "charging" robot

I don't believe they can hold more...

(2 edits)

Mr_Mobius_ is right, they can't hold more. I think it's still in progress because both say "Basic Workerbot" when you open there inventory.

              Crude Workerbot                     Basic Workerbot              

I've paid attention crude definitely loses charge faster

Can anyone tell me how I can get coal? i've wracked my brain crazy about it!!

you use a clay furnance 

how to build : when you pess the button E the building menu pops up you put it down it reqires 5 clay use shovel on clay

and the click on the clay furnance and select charcoal it needs 2 logs/1charcoal 

(in furnance) 1charcoal+1ironore=1iron 

(in metal workbench) 2iron =1 iron plating 

if you need anytinhg again ask

Tanks for playing this amazing game

PS : Dewelopers its an amazing game


I understand game is still really early in development but will there be multiplayer eventually?


TBH we aren't sure yet :)


Why in Goods name does every body want multiplayer. I rather enjoy a solid single player game with lots of content then crapy laggy multiplayer thats short on all ends.
Seriously implementing a good functioning multiplayer in games isn't that easy. Its mostly a huge effort of time that could have been spent on so many other things that will do a game better then trying to please a handfull of gamers that cry for multiplayer.


I would be happy with lan multiplayer cause yea if there were 24/7 public servers i wouldnt like that but just for playing with friends trough hamachi i would want that

These are all very good points, but I think I'll have to agree with art on this one.


Same I'd like Lan Multiplayer/Private Hosting

yes, I agree

(1 edit) (+1)

I agree with Greuslich15 . Screw worrying about multi player.  I'd much prefer the devs focus on game play. I mean come on folks. What the heck would a friend be able to do?

Besides, this is about building friends to play with us.... :)

How to zoom and unzoom ?

Developer (1 edit)

Mouse wheel (or whatever equivalent you use).

how do you demolish structures?

E for build mode, Delete, click on structure, click on trashbin


(2 edits)

Step 1:   Go into Edit Mode by pressing "E".
Step 2:   While in Edit Mode press "delete" to go into Delete Mode.  ("delete" = keyboard button with delete on it)
Step 3:   Click on the building you want to delete.

Don't forget that you have to go out of Delete Mode first (by pressing "delete") before you can get out of Edit Mode (by pressing "E") or you can just click on the "X".

It's not working for me

Hi all !  Sry for my english. 

You make a really great job and we can feel your passion in the game. Thx for that.

I have a problem when i try to take water, me or my worker take bucket and when we try to take water we can't move...  : ( help me plz

Thx, gl and hf for next step ; )


how do i get more than 1 crop every time i harvest and how do i even use fertilizer?

put cereal into a cereal seeder to get 2 seeds out of 1 cereal.

When cows eat, they poop. Collect it and put it into the fertilizer storage. It comes out of the storage as fertilizer. after using a shovel to dig a weed out of the dirt, hold the fertilizer and right click that dirt.

Deleted 102 days ago

Nope. Not yet, anyway...

what are the random babies on the floor for?


Folk. You should make them huts. And feed them. To make them happy :D

(1 edit) (+1)

so they basicly are like babys :) and all they give back is a smile when they are happy till they get needy again and start to cry for more food

the only thing i am missing here is they dont make dung :D

lol babys are just the other end of the toilet they spew it out

If they're folk, maybe in a future update they could help with recharging workers if you keep them happy?  Would add another dimension to making them happy...


We have some plans for the folk's usefulness that we can hopefully share very soon! Thanks

(1 edit) (+2)

not sure if you plan on this but what if you added acheivements or something. That would make it to where like if you kept five folk happy for a few days(day/night cycle usefulness) it would unlock maybe a new structure or item or maybe even more land


Yep we'll definitely be adding those at some point :)


How would I update the game but still have my saved world? Or would I have to reinstall the game?

how do i download the game for windows? a 7zip file thingy pops up


right click the .zip file and goto the open with option, after that click on file explorer. When your done select both the folder and the application and right click again, you should have an option to extract the files. After that you can either continue or select a certain destination for the files good luck :)

How do you make a metal saw. Please help.

metal workbench, 2 metal and 1 stone

 i think i will have a nice village but the robots need to have a little more power or some type of battery to add more power to their power suply

You can set  a robot to recharge others, so you will only have to worry about one.


i know im doing that with 2 recharge robots so if one dies then it can get recharged by the other one and vise versa

how do we make a cereal farm?

(2 edits)

Answered that in thedude646's question below.

I've been having problems with mine because of cereal crops that won't turn into cereal. (Bots keep mining them -> no cereal gains)
It's a similar problem as the one with the trees,

Hope I can fix it..

What are those mallets for, and how do I use those scooters.

(1 edit)

How do I use those scooters?
After making one just put it in your inventory by pressing "Q".

Does it also work on robots you may ask.
I haven't tested it very well but from what I could tell there wasn't a noticeable differents between with or without, the only thing that's different is the sound (the robot won't ride it, it just makes the sound)

About the mallets.
You need 1 wooden mallet to build a totem.

what is fertilizer for?

(4 edits)

I'm still testing the farming aspect of the game but this is what I found out until now:

First you need to go to a cereal crop field, there you will find weed which you want to dig. The weed becomes weeded soil, now you can fertilize it and it becomes soil.

Weed will grow back on weeded soil, but it won't on soil

If you get cereal from a cereal crop the ground will turn into either weeded soil (not fertilized) or back to soil (fertilized).
Found out that there's no differents in planting cereal seeds in weed, weeded soil or soil, only the hight of the cereal crop varies, which doens't effect the amount that you get from it.

Cereal seed:
You get 2 cereal seeds from 1 cereal in the cereal seeder (I think the cereal seeder is a little bit to slow for getting only 2, maybe it's just the crude version of it).

I have a feeling the better you grow your crops in the future, the more you get per crop. i.e. fertilizing and tilling = 3 or so cereal maybe?

build a bunch

One question, what is the totem used for? I haven't built one, but I will tomorrow.


At the moment nothing, but in future versions it will provide happiness for Folk.

Maybe it can do magic things, or let you hire Folk to work like worker bots for money, or something else entirely.

(1 edit)

Are you going to put a multiplayer engine in the game?

is there a way to automate the bots to use the tools in their inventory, without having to do it manually? 

From what I can tell there isn't, hope it will be implemented soon.

Yes if you have tools for them to grab you can program them to pick them up when theirs breaks here's the programming (sorry for the bad quality, I'm getting a new computer soon)

how do i get metal/ metal saws?

(1 edit)


  1. Build a clay furnace
  2. Get charcoal by putting 2 logs in the furnace
  3. Get metal ore by mining
  4. Turn the furnace from charcoal to metal
  5. Put the charcoal and metal ore in the furnace

Metal saw blade:

  1. Build a metal workbench
  2. Get 4 metal from doing the above
  3. Put them into the workbench for 2 metal plates
  4. Get 1 stone by mining/gathering
  5. Now you can make a metal saw blade in the workbench

how do i craft gears

Gears are crafted in the wood router, the crude ones are crafted in the basic workbench

How do i use the crude saw bench  i tried LMB it wont work

left klick opens the recipies of the crude saw. (log to planks, Planks to poles)

depending wich recipie is selected you need to have at least one Log or Plank in your hand and then rightclick the saw.

is there any way to make your workers get an axe or a shovel after it is broken

Yes. You make them do thing in a cycle of Repeat with "until hand is empty", and then put instructions to grab a tool from storage after the cycle. Then put Forever around it all and presto.

Of course also get a robot making tools for endless cycle.

and how do you utilize the 'until hand is empty' command?

Deleted 4 years ago

remove weed with a shovel

So I just wanted to start the Game and Looked into Input and saw this Cheats Options ,now my question is why is it there and why cant I use it?

I was wondering the same thing


Nothing to see here. Move along.


it is so the developers can just cheat through the game to fix bugs and test new things they are working on.

oooooowww yea sure

yeah I made a post about this and Denki told me this.

crude scooter what dose it do

If you put it into your inventory, it will make you move faster


(3 edits)

How many people are on your team?


Two. Gary is the designer. Aaron is the programmer.


tell them they are doing a great job

(1 edit)

can u guys make it so the workers can take stuff from there invatory and you are doing a great job on the game


who r u?

(1 edit)

are there going to be boats if there already in the game how do you get them


It's on our big to-do list

For now is there any way to cross the ocean?


There is an exploit by using fence blueprints :)

I've tried this but it hasn't worked for me so far

Is there a way to turn a normal ground square into soil?


No sorry

(3 edits)

erm after some work (or none at all) my crude bots stop work and its like theres nothing to click on

plz fix this

and if its supposed to happen then what do i do about it?

i tied saving and loading its still like that

btw its not the battery

sry about all the edits, im trying to be as thorough as possible

what do u use metal gears n flour for denki pls reply

Hey there. Two things. One, what is the item I can't see to make a cereal seeder. It's driving me insane. Second, it appears that 4k resolution is not ideal for the game. Any idea why or how you guys could remedy this issue? It occurs in most of the menu boxes and it doesn't matter what resolution I set the game at pre-launch.


Wooden Shovel. 

Yeah I need to work on different resolution support. It's on our list. Thanks

Thanks :)

I found a bug, I cant access my robot, it stopped allowing me to edit it when I accidentally picked it up and tried to edit it at the same time.

it is meant to do that

What do I use flour for? I have made a windmill and everything else i can't find what it makes. Plz help

You use flour to make crude bread in the clay oven

eh how do you get gear 

use a wooden router

and food how get

you get food by either making a podridge pot and putting a water bucket and some cereal in it or making a windmill and making flour then baking crude bread in a clay oven


can you add milk to feed pepole

i love autonauts

how do you get gear 

You get gears in a wooden router plz dont spam



So, I've noticed the red circle seems to be the working area for the robot you're programming. Is there any way to set where this area is?


At the moment the center is determined by where you first showed the Worker how to do something. In later version we plan on added a Beacon that they center around. You'll be able to change the work radius of the Beacon and well as pick it up and move it.



Dude, please stop spamming so much, everything you've been asking about has been explained in either the faq or the comments.

How do you make the repeat until hands empty/hands full work? Because when I try to use it all it does is glitch out with either the hands full repeating forever even when it is full or hands empty with keep on using the item (for example the robot cutting down trees will glitch and still use the "axe" even after it is broken and will not go back to get a new axe.) 

(1 edit)

i use the repeat commands for my picking up items bots

EDIT: also try restarting your game

forever start

-repeat until full

-find nearest tree seed

-move to tree seed

-pick up tree seed

end of repeating

-repeat until empty

-move to general storage

-add to general storage

end of repeating

forever end

also i use it for my shovel bot

forever start

-repeat until empty

-find tree soil

-move to tree soil

-use held item

end of repeating

-grab another axe

forever end

My crops are not turning yellow, even though I remove the weeds, till the soil, and add fertilizer :(

doesnt matter if they are yellow if they are fully grown (try cutting them down)

it only gives 1 cereal, so its not fully grown

(1 edit)

it is thats how it works 1 cereal per crop

edit: and if you have the cereal seeder it gives you 2 seeds so you profit 1 cereal

ohhhh ok thx

they turn yellow cause its wheat

How do you get more sticks?

You cant but you can use wooden tools not crude (made in a crude workbench(or i think its called crude workbench))



Developer (1 edit)

Please stop spamming. Check the FAQ and other discussions here. Also you would probably have more luck if you went to the official Discord Server.


how use scoter


Put it into your Inventory. You should also search through other posts first. All of your questions have been answered before. There's also the unofficial Wiki.

you are the best


I love this game. (I like how all storage connects.)

if Denki you are there pls add milk to feed pepole


Yes we'll be adding things like Milk later on. Thanks.

(2 edits)

 you thanks not me

can you add veacils sorry for spelling


Please stop asking for the same thing. If we don't reply it's because we're busy, we're not online or what you suggest is already on our list. Also please stop creating lots of new messages for each word you type.


This game is awesome, and I can't wait to see what future updates will bring.  Just some ideas:

add wheelbarrow: can be used to carry a larger quantity of items. (crafting: like one wheel, four planks, and two poles)

add railroads and carts: can be used to automate the transport of materials

add maybe some way of using the Folk to help you, cause they need to get up and do some work instead of laying there all day :D


Some nice ideas there and we're thinking along the same lines. Thanks!

Maybe give each folk a scooter and have some way to make them ride around and watch for bots that need charging and maybe actually do something(like charge them up)

If I pay for the game, am I guaranteed updates, even if you later require payment to play? If so, is there a price  I need to pay for that?

Unrelatedly, you offer a Wikia site as your wiki. A good wiki is awesome, but sadly you may need to host your own. Wikia is accepting ads from untrustworthy advertising networks, and has been for some time. When visiting on my iPad or my Android phone, I regularly get automatically redirected to scam sites that use various tricks to try and stop me from leaving their page. I'm fine with ads, but Wikia is crossing the line.

It may be in pre-pre-pre-alpha, but there is a lot of fun to be had here. Thanks for sharing it with us!


At the moment the game is free. You can donate but don't need to. We've not put any thought into how we'll end up charging for this. It will possibly be a one-off payment for lifetime updates.

The wiki is un-official and nothing to do with development. I've pinned it just for people's reference.




Please don't spam. If you continue I'll have to ban you. As I've said twice already if you want to have a conversation use our official Discord Server instead please.

Can you please link Discord in reply :d thanks -Fan


Try this


Hello is there a use for dung yet or is it just there because i have a giant amount of it and dont know what to do with it 

put dung in a fertilizer storage and th3n when you take it out it turns into fertilizer

I noticed that you can you the "Build Fence" to travel to the other islands. Lay down the fence, walk on it, lay more, repeat

Great game! Can't wait to see where it goes

(1 edit)

Which code languages do you use for the development?

Is there a way to look at your bug list (maybe like Jira) or maybe in the future?


Any thoughts of putting it on steam when steam direct comes out.



How do i remove buildings its so frustrating ( and no not blue prints already built buildings.)


Press the Delete key while in edit mode.

thx :)

I really wish I could pay.

but i'm to young for a Credit card and a PayPal account...

why is there no "Sofortüberweisung" (it never gets translated, strangly) Option like Steam has, so that i can just use my Bank Card

(1 edit)

You know you could download the game as it is, on itch.Io for free. To open your eyes and start reading isn't that hard to do.

It even says so in the first line. This game is free. Because the main reason it was put on Itch.IO was to get some feedback for the early version. But keep in mind even it is for free right now this might change, and also nobody can life from rainbows and sunshine. To support developers that make games you enjoy is the least you can do. And if not mony wise than be active on the forum, help find bugs, tell them your opinion on changes and stuff.

I know it is free, i have been playing it for some time.

I still want to support the people making it.

also broke my world, where can i report bugs?


Anywhere in the Autonauts Itch Community or you can join our Discord and join in the discussion.

(1 edit)

soo i can just say that the crude bread recipe is broken?

because it requires Water... but when you cancel the Recipe with only water in it, it tries to output the water... which it can't. so it gets stuck, untouchable, and unusable forever.

might want to make it just dumb the water.

that poor robot is stuck there, waiting for the furnace to output water... it will sit there, after the sun burned all it's Hydrogen and turned into a white dwarf, it will sit there, after the last Star died in the Universe and the Heat death is inevitable, it will still sit there waiting.

also when is 1080p support gonne be a thing.

I mean it seems this game was made to run on a Raspberry to take with you... which actually is not a bad idea


Ok great thanks. Added

Denki why do the repeats sometimes bug out and the bots just stand there confused.


There could be a number of reasons. Does the clock icon appear above their head? What version are you using? What does your script look like?

version 4


Try version 5. That might help you out. Thanks!

Hey currently trying to make it so that my Lumberjack, tree spot diggers, and metal miners pick up tools after they're break but it doesn't seem to work to well could you tell me if I'm messing up in the programming or if thiis just not possible.

It won't work because Bot can hold one tool, but it's not full of it's capacity. So after taking wooden shovel, the first loop keep repeating because Bot can hold more but at the same time he can hold only one tool.

Delete first "repeat" and leave second one. In that way Bot will take shovel and start repeating second loop until shovel break.

Ok awesome much thanks I'm try to get to the other parts of the world and it's annoying to have to check in and replace tools everytime

i haz had da same problem thx


Is this gonna be multiplayer i'd love if it was

(1 edit) (+1)

Why in Goods name does every body want multiplayer. I rather enjoy a solid single player game with lots of content then crapy laggy multiplayer thats short on all ends.
Seriously implementing a good functioning multiplayer in games isn't that easy. Its mostly a huge effort of time that could have been spent on so many other things that will do a game better then trying to please a handfull of gamers that cry for multiplayer.

Deleted 1 year ago

how do i get a robot off my head 

drop it like any other item tight click

You need to start dating a new robot, that's the only way.

How do I cross the ocean and access the other islands. It looks like there are plenty of resources and am excited to be able to build resource centers all aross the map

Currently, you can start to build a fence, then walk on the shaded fence plan.

Not working for me,  just to be clear I place a fence blueprint and them walk on it which is working, but I cant't place more fence blueprints in the deeper water

Try a different direction. It works in many places. Yes, place the blueprint as far as you can, walk on it, place more.


there should be more complex commands for the workers example: if (if command)in general storage less than 100 logs then find nearest log move to log pick up log.....  get it? i am an programer so i program things i would love to see more commands is there any ideas for that pls replay


That would be awesome the game is still very early in devlopment so who knows what they might add

yea its still in early  devlopment but maybe 3 or 5 or more  versions later there will be i dont know so yea

also i can help you with the commands

how do I use the worker bots

Search Youtube for gameplay. There is everything explained and it will be faster to understand.

how do i delete building already construct

Press the "Delete" button on your keyboard. Then you can just click any buildings you don't want

is gona be be enemies in some future version of the game


when you have made all and you dont know what to do next

You could get all the cows and people not just some

How did you make your animation, did you make them in unity or in blender? And if it's in unity did you use the animation system or did you just coded them all? Thx 

Beginner developper trying to do a game(lol)


All the animation is done hard coded :) We'd like to move to proper animations but I've not had time to look into it yet.

To be honest, animations right now are cute as they are. They fit perfectly to the game setting.

Thx i've tought you have done them in blender, I wanted to kniw if hard coded animations could have a good result

what are the requirements for a computer that this game could run on, i currently have a windows 7 pro and every time i try to run it it just cant< so please let me know if it will work


It will depend on all your machine specs. What DOES it do when you launch it? You should find an error log in the Autonauts_data folder where you've installed the game. It would be handy if you sent that to me please

That is the error log, I also have a very slow/bad computer and it may just not be able to run on it, but if you could get it to work, thx

(7 edits)

I think putting a seed it a seedling tray before you plant it makes it grow about 4x faster

also please make it so that the animations are as follows:

  • using a pickaxe makes just the pickaxe goes up and down and not the entire character
  • using an axe would be the same, but right to left
  • same with the shovel, but up and down and when it goes up it a miniaturised dung goes above it like as if it is chucking the dirt away
  • and so on

btw I don't want a fluent animation, I love the 2 frame animation.

also, if you fix the bug where you can click and drag with the fence blueprint from the shore to another island to get there, can you and a thing exactly the same as the simple flooring but it can go on water because I have linked up my entire world like this and I still want to get about. 

good game, I would LOVE if this went into the full release.


also, because of your epic game, I have made a basic worker bot generator! everything is fully automatic, they even craft there own tools!

(about the animations) I think the game gets its charm from these little wacky animations. It is kind of funny that way and gives it that little bit of fun.

I agree. The current animations are very cute

Could you add a way to change the controls because my friend is left handed and he really wants to play but he cant

If you're playing on windows you should get a window before you start the game with quality settings and stuff. There's a tab right next to that that says input and there you can change all the key binds

How can you save?

Press esc on your keyboard and the menu will pop up

how do you get fertilizer?


Fertiliser comes from Dung. You need to put Dung into a Fertiliser Storage.

is there going to be dlc?


Autonauts is an ongoing project. We're adding in new content all the time and hopefully we'll continue to do so for some time to come!

omg plz add that then we could get mods

i made little hats for my charge bots :D

silly question, but how did you get the hat on the bot? I have tried a few things but they didn't seem to work.


You need to use the Trade button and drag a hat into the bot's inventory :)

Thank you, I think i tried putting it in his hands which now that i think about it seems kinda silly :/

What is the purspose of the worker bot inventory? I tried teaching it to put stuff in its inventory but it doesn't work.


That will be enabled soon. Thanks!


my metal factory :D


dev could you make it modable i want more stuff also could you make it multi player thx

Not every game needs mods. 

My robot is stuck planting seeds. i can get it to collect seeds. i have the programming that said go to nearest soil and use item, but it stands next to a whole plot of soil not doing anything.

It's a known bug and it may be fixed whenever version 6 is out.

ah right. thank you.

how doi get fertilizer?


(2 edits)

Make a Fetilizer Storage.

Collect Dung. Put it there = Fertilizer

How to get dung.

Reload your game 1st. Quickly go to the cows and see they are eating grass. Wait until they poop. thats the Dung. Cows will became FAT after some eating. when you see "!" it stops eating and time to Milk it. Now make a WOODEN BUKCEt >milk the cow.

P.S you dont need to reload just milk the cow :P

cheat money? hum we will has money hummmmm?

where is the saves folder?


wut where is it


It's the very first post of this topic :)

  • On Windows...  C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Denki\Autonauts\Test.txt
  • macOS... Library/Application Support/Denki/Autonauts/Test.txt
(1 edit)

im on win10 i cant find app data folder 

also im using file explorer


You may need to make "hidden files and folders" visible. 

how do you add this


Do you mean how to send me the file? I think if you want to stick to Itch you'd need to upload it somewhere like and then send me the link. Or you could join the official Discord server and send it directly to me. Thanks


thx once I get to my computer I'll do dat

you forgot linux.


Ah good catch. Thanks!

Hello i was wondering if you are able to change items from general storage i accidentally made two plank storage's in steed of 1 log and 1 plank help!


Simply delete the storage and place it down again.  Open your build menu and hit the delete key on PC or fn and backspace on mac. 

(2 edits)

when i start the game up it says made with unity and then gives me a black screen to look a how do i fix this?


try windowed mode, not full screen. 

it worked  thx mrRoooo


how do you make people happy?

P.S i haz youtube: Click meh

build a hut and feed them. 

thank you :D!!!

Are there plans to add control instruction sets to the bots? For instance 'do this X times' or 'do this until that' type of instructions?

right above go theirs repeat and forever. forever just click when done repeat drag in to program space and put instructions in.

I know how to teach(program) my bots kendric. Thank you for trying to be helpful. But I think the language barrier is causing a misunderstanding.

In programming some code is known as 'Control Structures'. Things that allow us to do things like:

if x=0 then

     do this


     do that instead


I'm asking if there are plans to introduce Control Structures to the teachings of our autonaughts.


Yes we'll be adding these sorts of instructions as we go. Thanks

maybe add the new wiki also to this site...^^

Yeah, that's a good idea!

Will you at some point release the source code?


We haven't really thought about it.... maybe? :) It's not planned but that's not to say we won't. However we certainly wont for some time. We're still making the game!

Okay, thanks!!


Hi, just got the game, very cute, I'm happy to support indi devs. Wishing you guys all the success.


Thanks for the support and the nice words!


I love this game! It's probably the best designed game I've ever seen that calls itself pre-pre-pre alpha, lol. In a game so focused on, and completely designed around, automation, I can't help but wonder if there are plans for further automation of all the little gadgets and work stations. I have noticed that the input and output places for the stations look remarkably like conveyer belts... So, any spoilers you have for us?



Our goal is to make the entire game automatable (except for the Blueprint placement). Also we really are just a very small slice into development so far so there's LOADS more to put in.

The look of the outputs is just coincidence :)

(1 edit)

Fair enough, having wooden automatons do all of our dirty work for us is satisfying, lol. After all, who needs conveyors when you have log golems! :-D Any indication as to when we may see more variants of our mechanical helpers? Also, will you eventually add any sort of adversary to the game, as thus, the need for sentries?


We don't really have a road map yet. This is something we'll be looking at very soon. 

We're not sure if we'll have adversaries yet. Hopefully that answer will come soon too :)

I think conveyors could be neat! They could be cheap to make and last forever, but they only serve one purpose, to push things from point A. to point B. I feel that the bots are just the tip of the iceberg for automation-eske features.

(2 edits)

I see crude scooter and crude wheels are a clue to more to come, so what are the plans for faster transportation, and what will be the case with deep sea water? I wish there was a faster way to get across a bay, as my village for the folk is going to be there.

Also, how do I update to the version 6? KatherineOfSky (who I learned this game from) said it didn't break her save file so i feel safe transferring it to version 6.

Edit: I've found the change log and i see that you've added bridges, and that makes me greatly happy. :D


The best way is to use the official Itch app which will always keep you up to date (it's like Steam). Thanks

(1 edit)

Now how do i transfer a save file from the downloaded version to the itch downloaded version?

Edit: After actually downloading it and trying out it through the itch app, i see that it already intergrated my old save file


There is no need to, all versions use the same save directory.

downloading the new version :D

(1 edit)

HEY! Denk, will you do infinite map (a map without end)? Oh, i beg for you to make endless map or endless resources (that way you dont need to make endless map :D)

denki great new update i have recently noticed tree chopping speed has gone down which has slowed down my wood production pls make chopping faster


i think i found a bug its that i dont think its a bug but maybe so when planting trees when robots do it they do 1 tile apart from other holes but when urself do it u can put them right next to each other still correct me if i am wrong if it is a bug or not

the one tile separation is on purpose, elecricpace

How do I start a farm? I have a hoe and pretty much the rest of the tools but the hoe doesn't work on any of the land I click on.

(1 edit)
  1. use shovel to remove weed
  2. add fertilizer to soil where weed was removed
  3. use hoe to work fertilizer into ground
  4. plant cereal seed

Do note that you don't need to repeat fertilizing, so you only set robots to till the soil, plant and gather in cycle.


can you please create a shortcut image instead of the unity logo and give fertilizer a better texture? thanks!

How do you destroy bushes?

dig them with the shovel

Oh... that easy... thanks!

what does the beacon do in 6.2 'Erin' ?


You can change the range of your bots. 

do you think you can add fighting robots and enemies that will try to steal stuff?

how about more things to make first.  different wood types, different metal types, and more food. 

How to open crafting menu? Im going crazy to figure it out!!!


press e

(1 edit)

I downloaded the game to my 32 bit windows. The symbol of unity appears but the game screen does not. But he is there because when I click on the screen I hear the character walking. Please help me I want to play this game I the windowned mode no work


Ok it's possibly your video card. Can you send me Autonauts_Data/output_log.txt (in your install folder) please and I'll see if i can figure out what's wrong?

(2 edits)
Right but I can only play Friday or Saturday when it's between these days I'll send you a message and I'll txt you

Where do I get a bug report? 

 anyways  I found a bug. This 'Version is 7.1 faye'  They don't  have a name.  Some robots do not work so I pressed the space bar to command check. and they don't have a name. Anyway they are work well now.


Yep I've seen a few people report this bug. Do you have a bot that makes bots?

oh you know this bug 
yes unnamed bot is make bot
anyway i don't care bot's name 
Thank you for read my report

What does a converter do? I've seen it in patch notes, but it confused me.


A 'converter' is just our word for any kind of building that takes ingredients and turns them into something else (the workbench for instance).

how do i change my characters look?


We've not added that yet but it's something we'll be adding later. You can, however, give it a hat :)


thx :D

(1 edit)

Denki how can I talk to you to try to solve my black screen problem that is when the game starts and that window mode does not work


If you join our Discord server you can speak to me directly. 

What version are you using? There was a fix for the black screen problem in Version 7.


i personally think that the seedling tray should be put back to the old way 1 seedling= 1 tree because at the start you NEED wood and a lot of it to get you going, but if you cut down every tree the solution plant them. First you have to shovel out the dirt build a seedling tray and go plant it wait for it to grow its better than having PART 1

15 seeds and 5 fertilizer anyway trees only drop 2 SEEDS you will really have to go through a lot of effort by yourself just to get that one tree planted. so instead i think it should be 1 seed and 1 water= a tree and the fertilizer should be used to speed up the growth of ready planted trees. and when you think about it its more piratical it does't rain yet and planted DON'T need fertilizer to get the minerals its already in the soil but they need water as well. PART 2 anyway i love the game but this is just something that bugs me, thankyou

you dont need to use the seedling tray.  1 seedling in 1 hole = tree.

oh thx i was just kinda confused after getting the latest version

What advantage does the Seedling Tray give compared to just planting a tree seed from the chopped tree?

Seedling from the tray grow faster

How to load the old version data in the new version?After download the version 7,i cant load my old data from version 6


You can find your old save files in %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Denki\Autonauts

what are the little baby guys you can find around the map for

(1 edit)

They're called Natives and they're not used for anything yet. Right now, you can challenge yourself and try to make as many as you can happy at once. You add them to your population by constructing a hut and placing them in one, after which you must have them regularly fed. You can feed them foods as basic as apples, or prepare entire apple pies for them. The totem pole doesn't do anything to their happiness yet, nor does putting cute, little hats on them.

I think the creators have plans to make them useful for the future, but we probably need to wait until this game gets out of pre-pre-pre-alpha.


On the western island, build a bridge to there.


Very nice game !!

Deleted 2 years ago

Put it in your inventory

If I buy it on Itch would I need to buy it again to get a Steam key?

Wait, this game's on steam?

No, but I assume it will be eventually


You can't really "buy" the game yet. It's entirely free. However we do accept donations :)

We won't be going to Steam for some time because the game is so early in development. 


(3 edits)

Hey Denki :) Ich played your new Version (9) today and i found a realy crazy Bug :D

So if you go to the End of the Map and place there a Storage or something else, it will disappear and there will be shown some placement-arrows and then u cant save your Game anymore.

Greets, Seb (from Germany) :)


Yep that's a known bug but thanks for reporting.

What's the point of mining a boulder when we can just mine the metal deposits around them which give more chance of metal than a boulder?


Yes the boulders need some re-balancing. At the moment boulders take half as long to mine, also there's no restriction on where the bot mines. They don't need an empty tile

can anyone help me with saving the game? When i go to save it just sits on the yes no screen. Ive tried multiple times and im not sure if i am just saving it in the wrong location or what?

Maybe check the post above you, and see if that's what happened.

no, when i get to the save game screen where it says yes/no, i press yes and nothing happens. but if i press no it will exit. im not sure what to do about this.

(1 edit)

the same thing happened to me on macOS when my disk was full


Ok I need to get some information about why this has failed. Can you play the game and try and save again please and then send me a file called Autonauts_Data/output_log.txt in the place where the game is installed and I'll see if it has any useful information for me please?


Is there any way that you could help guide me through just a little bit as to where it is that i am supposed to find this file, I seem to be having a little bit of trouble locating it. Im sure its just user error not understanding how to get there.


If you're on PC look in the folder where you've installed the game and there should be another folder called Autonauts_Data. Inside that is output_log.txt. If you're on Mac it's something like ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log.

(1 edit)

so i found the library and logs section but from there i am left with this, and yes i am running on Mac OS. I apologize for this trouble i am not the best with rummaging through files.

I figured out what was wrong with my game! Im not sure if it was user error or what but either way Waity5 shower me where the game was supposed to ask to save and i went there instead. Thank you for trying to help though it was very appreciated. 

When i would try to save the game it would automatically take me  to the game elements instead of asking where on to computer to store it. All is good now thank you for the help! :)


Ok that's great that you've figured it out. When you say "it would automatically take me to the game elements" which folder did you mean?

it couldnt be that cause ive got a nice 25 gig free

do you use windows, macOS or linux?

i am using macOS

when you save it should look like this:

tell me if it is different 

Ah ha!! I got it thank you so much!! When i went to save the game it was taking me to the wrong save location, that is why it wasnt letting me do it. I went to the desktop and sure enough there is a save .txt there now!

(1 edit)


i was taking screenshots on my windows PC not on my mac laptop because i knew the are the same

Is there somewhere to make suggestions? If not you should add a feature to rename,  search and call certain robots just to make selecting them easier. 

also re-naming data storage


Yep we'll definitely be adding renaming at some point.

You can make suggestions here on the Autonauts Community or you can join our Discord server.


I don't fully understand discord, can someone tell me how it works plz?


Have you tried joining ours? It's pretty simple. It's just a way of talking with other people in real time.

I have an issue with a code I'm trying to build. They keep getting stuck after adding to the foundation because it can't add anymore if it is already full. The only way around this is for the foundation to be completed so it stops trying to add to it. The issue is if I have a work order that exceeds the number of bots I have deployed: i.e. if I try to build 10 bridges with 3 bots each for each type of resource, then those 3 will be stuck adding to different foundations while waiting for the others to bring the rest of the items (they never will cause they are stuck too). The only way around this is to either have more bots per resource deployed than foundations I want to build or find a way to reset the "Find nearest Foundation" part before it gets stuck on "Add to Foundation". Maybe in the next update we'll get to have conditionals or a skip command, but I'm pretty much stuck on this. Also, even if the "Find nearest Foundation" were to loop, I am pretty sure it would just go back to the same foundation and get stuck again. Why can't I make a bot to automatically program bots, that would make copying and pasting between bots so much easier.


Ok I've added the problem of multiple builder bots getting stuck onto our bug list. It shouldn't really be doing that. Hopefully when that's fixed it will solve your problem?


Do crude workerbots have a bigger carrying capacity?

Please, carrying one log at a time is hell.


They do, yes. Crude bots are slow and strong, Basic are quick but weak.

We'll be adding more bot types in a later version which will make is less like "hell" :)

In the mean time you can experiment with getting the bots to "Stow" and "Recall" the logs into their inventory which can carry a lot more. Use "Q" and "?" to Stow and "," and "." to Recall.

plz make a robot made of:

1 metal gear

4 metal polls

4 metal plates

why is he sad?


How do i access my inventory while teaching a robot?


Unfortunately you can't but you can Stow and Recall into and out of your inventory using "Q" "?" "<" ">" keys


thanks denki

Cool, thanks Denki! I'm really loving the game so far.



Can you load the old version to the new version?


Yes! In fact you should be able to go back to version 1 and load it into the current version.

Im on ver. 4. If i can can you spicify where can i find or how can i load it? Thanks :D

if you use windows then download the new version, go to C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Denki\Autonauts amd take take <your world's name>.txt and put it in the Autonauts file, under the app and not in the data.

if you use macOS then you will need to right click (or press with 2 fingers on the trackpad) on the old version, select the second option (Show Package Contents) and then select <your world's name>.txt 

put that in a place that you would be able to find it, download the new version, right click on it, select the second option and put  <your world's name>.txt BELOW the file called contents, NOT in it.

if you use linux, well, i don't know.

How can I join the Discord server?


Just follow the link

How to make clay pot?

Like what crafting station?

use a clay furnase


I thought it might be best to share my experience so far with Autonauts and the different tips, tricks, bugs, and issues that come with it. Hopefully this helps make the game even more awesome than it already is. This is my current world so far. The spot with 40 storage containers is where I plan to have my automated builders later on. I also plan to have automated world cleaners when I have my whole world beaconified and last, but not least, a food hub with all my villagers somewhere.This is where I make every single item in the game.

This is my beacon factory. More on that later.

This is the infinite resource runoff with automated balancing.

And finally I have my resource production.

Major Bugs:

Long loading times the bigger the file - I barely got this file to load (2.5 megabytes). It took about 2.5mins and I have an Nvidia GTX 970 and an i7 6700k with 32gb of ram.

Load  save file while playing it crashes - I am not sure if I was just not patient enough for it to load, but when you try to load the save file (or maybe even a different one) while you have that same save file open, the game hangs endlessly forcing you to close it. Not only that, but if you try to load it normally from a blank slate after that, it won't open. The amount of time I waited for the corrupted file of 2mb was longer than it took to load my newer save of 2.5mb. Maybe someone can try this and do an md5 checksum to try to get to the bottom of this. It could just be that I didn't wait long enough for it to load and the act of closing the game while loading the save file corrupts it, I am just not sure. Just goes to show, always make a backup of your saves.

No name bots - I sometimes get bots with no names that I can't program or control in any way. I think I  heard others talking about this before on the forum. I believe they said it was when you get a bot to make the bots for you that it sometimes does this. The way I got around this was to make bots in batches and save before just in case.

Holes - Sometimes bots will avoid certain spots they are programmed for for no apparent reason. Bots will endlessly wait even if they can shovel, plant, or mine. Pausing/Unpausing the bot and even digging the hole yourself is not enough to fix them. Reloading to an earlier save fixed my problem.

Minor Bugs:

Unreachable Ghost Bridge - You are able to build/take away bridges that extend into the undiscovered parts of the map, but the un-built bridges you are not able to demolish. The way around this is to discover that chunk the ghost bridge is in.

Code Upload Overlay - When uploading a longer code from a Crude Data Chip onto a bot with another long code, There is sometimes a visual bug where the old code can be seen behind the new code. This does not upset the function of the new code, but to get rid of it anyways, just clear the code and re-upload.

Aren't cows suppose to eat straw? - If they are suppose to eat the straw...they aren't doing it.


Can't rename crude data chips - It would help to remember which code is which by a different name other than "Bob" and "Darrel"

Copying/Pasting between bots is tedious - Select Bot, pause, open inventory, give data chip, exit out of inventory, download code, open inventory, retrieve  data, exit out of inventory, unpause, Select another bot, pause (skip if copying to new bot), open inventory, give data chip, exit out of inventory, upload data, open inventory, retrieve  data, exit out of inventory (Repeat "Select another bot" through "exit out of inventory" for every new bot).

No easy way to see beacon range/Inaccurate Beacon Shift - The only way to see a beacons range (inaccurately) is by holding it in your hand or looking at it through the record code screen. When you hold the beacon in your hand, or more specifically, when a bot holds it in his hand, there is a minor shift in where the beacon's range is relative to a beacon on the ground in the same location. This depends on which direction the bot faces because the bot holds the beacon slightly in front of him. I think the player also does this as well, but I couldn't tell.

Stand alone beacon factory - I have to separate the beacon factory because the bot that delivers the beacons to storage hinders with the beacon that is already in place at the main factory.

Food Balancing: Maybe the apples could grow slower. I already have an infinite supply to last more than twice the number of total citizens on my world, and that's just 1 apple farm. There are also problems with the other food sources as well, but the apples are already OP so that doesn't matter as much.


A Manageable Interface: Re-nameable Beacons, Crude Data Chips, Bots, Character, Cows, Sheep, and Citizens. Menu with a list of beacons - Click on the beacon to open a list of bots connected to it - In this menu the bots could have an icon of what item they are currently holding , what hat/clothing they are wearing, and also the name of the bot - Also In this menu you could press a "copy" , "paste", or "clear code" button near the top where it then opens your inventory and asks you to choose which data chip to use if you have more than 1 in your inventory - After choosing "Paste", you could then select multiple bots in the list - You could also click on any bot in this menu to get to the bots normal screen.

Beacon Range Finder - Keyboard shortcut to see an overlay of every Beacon's range

Vehicles - Pfft obviously

Bot Storage - The best way to automate production of bots. This could solve the issue of overproducing bots. Putting them in storage could reset them like how Crude Data Chips work so as to not cause bugs or incompatibilities.

Programmer Machine/Building - Put a Crude Data Chip in to select your code then have another bot deliver more bots to automate programming

Replace Incinerator with Market (or just add)- Allows you to sell excess resources for Mons and select items to buy. Also allows you to see average money earned over a period of time.

Lockable Beacons - A switch that prevents bots from moving a beacon.

Breed-able/Sell-able/Purchasable Animals - We need more poop!

Boat - Can be made out of wood.

Renewable Sticks/Stick Uses - A pole can be made into 2 sticks. Maybe sticks could be useful for something.

Sand/Glass - Shovel the sand. Put sand into clay furnace to make glass. Glass could be used to make a better houses for the citizens.

Farm-able Mushrooms and Berries - 2 small mushrooms for each full grown mushroom and 2 berries for each bush.

Local Multiplayer - I'll leave that idea planted here for way into the future.

Farm-able Flowers - I'm not sure if they are already farm-able or not.

Safebox - Store Items here to separate them from the main production line. In case you run out of tree seeds, apples, or cereal from the general storage, then you don't have to restart your game to get them back

Follow Player or Move to Player Command - For when you want a robo companion.

Conditionals - If...True...Then...Do...While

Besides the market, boat, and glass, I am not trying to add anything that isn't already a part of the game. I will leave those up for you to decide.

Questions for the Dev:

Is there  Beta or Nightly builds I could try?

How do I support the cause, will there be a Patreon later or a place to donate? 

you can allredy donate

click the download buton and something pops up and at the bottom of that you can chouse to donate £1, £2, £5, £10 or £20


That's some wonderful feedback right there!

The load times are becoming an issue so I've noted that one down and will look into it.

Your problem with the Beacon factory. Tell the bot to stand on the output tile of the beacon maker first, then tell it to pickup a beacon. That way it will only ever pick up the correct one (assuming there is one ready to pickup).

Most of your bugs and suggestions have already been noted but I've added your new ones. If you're interested you can find our lists here.


can anyone help me out with moving to new islands? I've started building a bridge but when i get to the covered territory in deep water i cant expand it to continue building the bridge. Im not really sure what in supposed to do. Is there maybe a boat that I'm not aware of?

click on 1 side then drag it to the over


Click and drag the blueprints from a discovered part of the world into an undiscovered part. You'll create a new bridge between the two.

Hey can anyone tell me exactly how it is that beacons work? I thought they just increased the range of the bots but i must be doing something wrong because its not really working..

Do you plan to add this to steam when it's finished? Could you please consider full controller support when the time is right? I can play mouse and keyboard games with no problem, but nothing feels better than a controller in hand. Also I hope this game blows up huge! I really love it and I hope that it comes to consoles like the switch and 3&2 ds. Really awesome game!

nintendo would not allow it to be on the switch or ds

If you want controller support, you can use joy2key. IMO it's better than what most games come with because of the freedom to map out the keys you want and ease of use. I prefer the mouse and keyboard for this game though because most of my time is spent programming the bots and copying/pasting.

Im With You Right There. This Game Has Allot Of Potential And Is One That Is Different From Others. Its Like Factorio ButIts More Cute And  Has Alot More Things Than Automating Everything.


I think you should add resolution options to the game, for those who want to play at a lower resolution
Even the game being extremely lightweight, in pcs like mine, which sucks, they lag in large resolution, with lower resolution option I can play without lag
Would it be difficult to put that into the game? By the way, the game has an incredible idea and is very good, if possible, keep adding and improving it.

Bad english, google translate fault

lol when you open the game it has those options

Denki Im really curious Cause its nigh impossible to transfer saves from pre 8 to 9 on cause sheep aren't in the save file, will you ever add some form of update agent that allows us to not have to redownload the game every week to access new content

you just transfer the save file form the old one to the new one


Deleted 4 years ago

Awesome game!

Excuse my bad english, but the game has become my favorite game.
That's why I just have to ask:
In which interwall come updates?


Updates come out every Friday. Thanks!

Is the game open source or can you mod it, etc?


Not at the moment. We may add modding in the future but we need to put in more content first.


Can you make mobile version of Autonauts? I cant download Autonauts to computer so I would really like it!


Unfortunately we have no plans to do a mobile version. Sorry :(

How do you charge the steam bot?


Pick up a log and use RMB on it. Alternatively it will self-charge if it has logs in its inventory but be aware there is a bug where it consumes all logs instead of just one. This will be fixed in the next version.


(1 edit)

For what i need wool?


At the moment you can make clothes. We'll probably add other uses later :)


How do I reteach a robot?


Press the Teach button to go into teach mode then drag any instructions out of the teach window that you want to delete.

how do i bring up the menu where it shows me how tuch items a buiding needs to build it?


Once you've put down a blueprint, hover your cursor over it and the information will appear. It's currently not possible to see what's required until you put the blueprint down

is there a way to automate a bot to make something but without draining the entire general storage, without having to constantly reset them?


The best way to do this is to store what you're making into general storage. Then you can have the bot check if that storage is full and only make something if there's space left.

How do you recharge the new Steam Bots? I even tried water, and it didn't work.



With Logs, sticks, planks or poles in hand just right click on them.

Deleted 6 years ago

Just left click it :)

Hey could you guys make a use for straw for other than hats. Maybe as a food source?

Also, Could you make id where bots can fill in blueprints where they have storage's near them and they just find out what material they need grap the items from the storage then fill in the blueprint. 


Yep we'll definitely be doing more with straw in the future. You used to be able to feed it to cows but there was a bug that meant I had to stop that. We'll be bringing that back when i fix the bug :)

Not sure about automatic blueprint building. We don't want to make things TOO easy to automate :)

how do you get off that thing to get in deep sea water? i think its called a canoe


Move into shallow water and use right click on any adjacent tile. Thanks!

:O three years ago

i have no foto because i dont know how to make a screenshot

Deleted 7 years ago

i dont how to use beacons but you can use logs as fuel for steam robots

(1 edit)

if you scroll to top you will find beacons answer

(and then go little bit down)

how do you get to call the robots to teach them


Press SPACE to blow your whistle then select the robot you want. Then click the Teach button and you can start recording what you want them to do.

How do you make signs? I simply can't figure it out!


OH! Ah. Ahem. Yes. Our bad. Update inbound...

Really? It was a bug?

Oops, found another one concerning the signs! They can't hold all the text I type! For example, I typed: "Apple Pie Production", and it only fit "pple Pie Productio"


Yep, you can put in anything you want but it will get cropped off as you've found. Thanks

What's the little upgrade menu for and how do you use it?


Eventually you'll be able to put all sorts of upgrade things in there. For now you can just put Name Tags on bots :)

Sick!!! :)

Is there more than one kind of hut? if so how do i make them?


Not yet. We'll add more housing as we go.

How write in a sign?

Press Z while holding it.

This may be more advanced, but how do you change colors of the worker bots?


Make them some clothes and a hat

What to weeds do? (the dug up variety)


At the moment, nothing. But we'll put them to good use :)

Perhaps for salads?


Maybe :)

Denki,there's 1 missing resource in this game:APPLES!!!!!!!!!


Have you used a canoe to explore all the islands? :)

I tried to use the canoe,but I don't know how. :(


Make sure you've got a paddle in your hands then right click on the canoe. To get out of the canoe use right click on any adjacent tile.

Ok,thank you! :)

I forgot to mention another problem,Denki:I can't get rid of wild flowers,what should I do,or are you still developing on that?

Use a sickle, not a scythe. Beginner's mistake, really.

Hey Denki!

in my opinion you should make the game cost $5 - $10 as much that i love that its free you would be able to accomplish so much more with actual funding. also multiplayer should be added but not at the moment wait until you are happy with its current state or you've hit writers block or have nothing else to do on the game. i would love to hear a response and thanks for reading


But that would leave out some of the demographic who can't afford to buy the game (such as myself). So if you wanted to pay that much, you can do so with the 'name your price' method.

yes as much as we all love how its free donations are just not gonna cut it for funding in the long run stuff like unity costs money and if they game costs even as little as $2 it would help them a lot

Yes, it is a sad truth we face in this era...

thats why we need COMMUNISM

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