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Thanks for the feedback! I am glad you liked the game!

My aim with this project was to achieve that mood, so I am happy I managed to achieve it. Getting the car movement right was secondary (and I can be felt just as you mentioned). I did not want to invest money in this project, that is the reason why I did not use a "proper" vehicle controller. That being said, the one I used is a very good one, but was too difficult for me to tweak. Regarding the 90° turns: they are awful, I agree. This was the best free roads asset I could find. I have access to the River Auto Material unity asset which also has road building capabilities, but that one uses splines and I needed something modular because of the randomly generated track. 

Ah, that makes sense. To be fair, I think you did a really decent job given you only had access to free assets. And it makes sense that the track generation system would limit the angle of those turns.