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I don't know if this is cringey or not but, this is the first visual novel adult game that changed my life. The story, the characters, and the immersion you're getting while playing the game is just so good that i accidentaly fell in love at one of the characters in the game. I even had to say goodnight everytime i have to exit the game. I know this is kinda cringey but thank you Runey, you really changed me.

who did you fall in love with



Awwww, she is cute. I felt bad at first for corrupting her, but then I realized how hot she is. I'm in love with Autumn though,

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Yeah she's super cute. i really thought that this game is just about fucking girls but, the story makes me just wanna comfort Lin cuz i felt bad for her being a slave all her life. I don't really care about autumn though, i think the next update is gonna continue her story.

Yeah your probably right that they will continue with Autumn, but I also think they will add more story to the buyable elves. I also think Maria is a little too kinky for me. Like it's almost unattractive how hardcore and slutty she is.

I agree that maria is slutty and it's just boring to see that you can have sex with her early on. And about the buyable elves, i haven't finished the story about the elves but i would like to see the story about them. There's also the waitress at the bar how about making her a main girl?

I would love to see Moon from the bar as a main girl, and Maria's childhood friend is pretty cute too.

Are you in the harem hotel discord? If so what's your name

I am in the discord, and  my name is the same as my name.

Lin is definitely the most clearly (and intimately) involved with the player at this point, followed very closely by Kali and Android :) loved those moments on the boat, a great mix of reactions from Nia and Sylvia, from "wow they care so much for each other" and "they're gonna fuck aren't they" xD

Lin's prolly my main girl too imo but so many close faves - Moon, Hana and Nia come to mind :)

I think the fact that Lin is technically the first character introduced helps a lot... but yes, overall, I agree! She might start off as the obedient slave in order to appeal to the "I-love-a-proper-sub" audience but slowly evolves into a lot more than that.

That's good writing right there. Bringing people in through a specific hook and then keeping them invested.

Same here, like I say  HHappy Waifu Happy Lifu well Lin is so cute and adorable, I love her personality All of things combined.just made me fall in love with Lin, so Lin is the best girl, moon is 2nd, and Maria is 3rd


Thank you :)


That's how you know it's a good NSFW game.

You start playing it expecting a great fap but end up staying because you really want to keep getting to know the characters.

When you spend the sex scenes just kinda waiting for it to be over so that you can get back into the story... that's when you know the developer did a great job!

You cant deny the game has its qualities if its not the best one out here.