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If you ran past all enemies this will happen otherwise idk what to tell you haven't had anyone else say this. Pretty much most encounters require you to kill them. There was no counter measure to running past enemies and despawning them because it was always intended to kill them. 

This has nothing to do with running I mean the performance of the game is nearly unplayable, but I fixed that.

Sorry to necro this, but I've just bought the game and I'm having the same problem - every five seconds or so the game will drop from 60FPS to around 3FPS then go back up again. I've played around with the graphics but this has no effect. What did you do to solve this issue? Thanks.

In this game or Tales from the dark?

It's the base game. I've since tried using Borderless Gaming and playing in Windowed mode, but I've not yet had any joy. Unfortunately, I'm not techy enough to think of other ways I could fix it

sadly idk what's wrong myself only have one computer to test my game and it runs fine here and on others people's computers. How did you launch the game? From a zip or another way?

(3 edits)

Thanks for coming back to me. Here's what I've tried since last night:

  • Run through Steam and run direct from the EXE
  • Run from SSD and HDD
  • Tested on all graphics settings

I managed to get it running fine on "fastest" once with no frame rate drops, but on other attempts it was just as laggy.

I'm sure it's fixable, I just need to work out the issue. Is there a way for me to tweak the config file? I couldn't find the graphics settings and was going to see if I could change the v-sync settings to match my monitor frame rate or something.

Sorry this I took so long but as I was messing around with the project and tested a new level and got some lag sometimes.

Did you try restarting the level through the main menu? That might help not entirely sure.

Hi there, yes that doesn't work either. I deleted the game and then downloaded the app and reinstalled it there. Same problem. The introduction in the car is smooth as anything, it's just as soon as I take control of the character the game lags horribly every five seconds or so. Really not sure what to do. It's a shame as it looks like a great game!