1. Yes, I added sounds and my buddy made the music since you have played.
2. I did add I think all the suggestions you gave
3. I did slightly change level 3 but it was only aesthetically. There was a weird bug where the button rendered behind the blue platform.
4. I didn't know about the fading particles. I'll definitely look into it for the next jam or if I revisit this one
5. I had a short Coyote time when you play tested, but I remove it do to a weird double jump bug. (I fixed the bug and forgot to put it back in)
6. Watching you soft lock your self in the same spot twice was fantastic. That lock was intentional.
7. Watching you finally figure out the solution was great. YOU DIDN'T NEED TO RESTART AFTER THAT MISSED JUMP!
8. Button text tip is a good one. Noted.
Thanks for taking the time to make a video for it. 100 times better than just writing a comment. Watching you work through the puzzles was a cool experience.
EDIT: I'm pretty sure you pointed out the SINGLE barrier than I accidentally put in front of a ground platform. The one on the last level lol. But yes, looking back, I should have put all of the colored barriers behind the frame