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AHHHHH!!!!!!........I...I'm not even sure what to say....*sniff*....It was just so many emotions at once, and literally my very first reaction was,"Seihou? Umm....can i marry you now please?" I honestly fell in love with the story as I took this freaking emotionally challenging journy and literally was like, "done" at the scene where Anholly was holding Riov's hands and Seihou actually was jealous! I actually sat there like, "Oh my God! He's actually jealous? I'm done.....I'm done....nope i'm just done...." (But in a good way)

It was a very sweet game and the ending caught me off guard quite a bit. My only wish is that you would have done more with the "Because I love you" line in the end there, and my only hope is that we get to see Anholly and Seihou again, and I don't just mean their reincarnates. I love your work and in MO Ciel I particularly fell in love with Yvin and I honestly have to say that his ghost scene in the main paths was brilliant! Anyway I just have to say that I adore your work and I can't wait to see the next installment to the MO series though my trust for you rests precariously atop a tree branch and if your not careful Ven might just pull it out of said tree. Haha but seriously keep doing what you're doing and "No but's. Never but's."

Thanks, I'm glad you liked the game and Seihuo so much! Seihuo isn't much for theatrics so his confession was intentionally very short, as it's staying in character. But he has no problem reiterating his feelings as many times as needed ;)

And don't worry, in Magical Otoge Melanie, there's going to be an extra where Anholly and Seihuo cook together! It'll be fun!

And you shouldn't trust a villain like me, heheh!

No problem! I really do adore your work, and I'm happy to hear that Seihou and Anholly aren't "gone for good" so to speak. Plus isn't trusting the villain way more fun than following the hero? lol