The Spikes are there to make the game more interesting and honestly while developing i wanted to make the game feel more like a platformer less and puzzles since most of the puzzles are pretty simple to solve. The Spikes add a fun level of difficulty and prevent you from compleating the game in 1 minute :DD, Anyways sorry if some jump were too difficult, but I was more going for the feeling of happiness when you complete a really fun level instead of just solving some easy puzzles and being done with it.
I think the big difference with platformers is if you die and have to start over, the level is still a challenge and it takes several tries before it becomes annoying. With a puzzle, it stops being a challenge after the first time you do it and redoing it is always annoying. I think the idea is okay, but you need checkpoints to keep you from having to redo sections you've solved just because you missed a jump. Try to make it so death only makes you redo platforming.