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good strategy...

i feel shame for me in previous year since i never learn strategy of promote game...

It's never too late to learn :P

A good first step might be brushing up on your english skills... you can not just write more convincing advertising material the more fluent you get, you also end up writing more professional-looking material. A lot of people can be really strict with typos and grammar errors and that can really hurt your first impression.

(I'm personally not a native english speaker either, and I still do some basic mistakes like mixing up 'was' and 'were', but I'm actively trying to improve all the time)


Don't worry too much, plenty of Americans also mix them up. Using "was" for singular and plural alike is a quirk of certain local dialects, whose speakers proudly defend their traditional way of speaking against the mainstream that deems them uncultured. Language is messy.

Maybe the biggest thing that non english developer is english language. I have seen many developers still have grammer error if they do it alone including me...