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I forgot, but I played it again and reached level 12 with a score of 12518.

Would be cool if there was a way to select the blocks by keys (maybe Q and E to cycle through them or something). Then you don't have to move the mouse as much. Or maybe a Tetris like system where you always select the first and can hold one block.

With small adjustments for mobile devices, I can imagine this being a really cool mobile game as well. Again, great work :-)

(1 edit) (+1)

Another serious scorer also recommended hotkeys. I have it in the todo list for some quick testing.
Thanks again for playing, i will probably do a few weeks of experiments and see how well it goes... for now working on an online leaderboard to see the global scores.


very hype for a leaderboard, honestly lol my competitive spirit soars

Hi! leaderboards and hotkeys are online!


you know an idea that would be a bit different for a game like this would be to have the cards fall down to your hand of like four cards each bound to a key (wasd) that lets you select from the different hand slots and then if you dont use a card before the next one is dropped you lose a heart, that way its getting keybinds in instead of clicking and picking up pieces and you get to keep the feel of the challenge being in trying to beat the falling speed of the cards? Spitballing because I've actually been playing this since I commented and was thinking on good solutions for a while cause a tetris keep one use one style would completely take the challenge away unless you were to rework the heart and card speed system into something else altogether