Thanks a lot ! You are right about the camera, my initial idea was to collect "energy" so you would aim and shoot a projectile at the "Evil Sphere" but I though it didn't use the waves enough so I switched to an airborne dash attack, having the player uses the waves more. So the camera was ok for the original idea, but not really for the final idea. So I would probably change it to a fixed camera and probably change the charge attack input to drop the use of the mouse entirely. Also the dash attack goes toward the forward of the boat and not toward the camera which is probably confusing, having a fixed camera would probably help that.
For the boat not going where you want it to go, I think the problem is the gravity of my game is a bit too floaty, so with a lot of waves you are often airborne and cant change direction. I tried making the gravity stronger and it felt nicer, but it broke all the balancing and it was too hard to jump and attack the boss so I reverted it, but retweaking it would probably help, maybe have some air control would help too.
Thanks again for the feedback !