I love this so much, I just wish there was an option to remove the mountains
Glad you like it, Not sure how comfortable you are with some code, but if you download the source from github, you could edit "sketch.js" and remove line 7 to 11 ( all the ones with "drawMountain" in them). Then when you open index.html in your browser it wont draw any mountains.
Let me know if that works for you. Sorry for a bit late reply btw.
Hello forthebundle,
I messed with the code and it works the way DF said!
Thanks DF for your hard work and creative talents.
If you want I can send it to you vial email if you want.
Here is the changed script, just copy and paste into notepad, save as 'sketch.js' and write over a copy of the sketch.js file in the directory. Then just run the index.html file like normal:
let drawSteps = [
function() { background(255)},
let drawIndex = drawSteps.length;
function setup() {
let cvs = createCanvas(resolutionX, resolutionY);
skyColor = color(57, 120, 168);
skyColor2 = color(57, 49, 75);
skyAccentColor = color(205, 96, 147);
skyAccentColor2 = color(142, 71, 140);
mountainColor = color(57, 123, 68);
mountainColor2 = color(182, 213, 60);
starColor = color(244, 180, 27);
starColor2 = color(138, 235, 241);
cloudColor = color(223, 246, 245);
document.getElementById("skyColor1").value = skyColor.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("skyColor2").value = skyColor2.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("skyAccentColor1").value = skyAccentColor.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("skyAccentColor2").value = skyAccentColor2.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("mountainColor1").value = mountainColor.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("mountainColor2").value = mountainColor2.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("starColor1").value = starColor.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("starColor2").value = starColor2.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("cloudColor1").value = cloudColor.toString('#rrggbb');
cols = floor(width / particleScl);
rows = floor(height / particleScl);
function drawFromSeed() {
resizeCanvas(resolutionX, resolutionY);
cols = floor(width / particleScl);
rows = floor(height / particleScl);
drawIndex = 0;
function doCloudStep() {
let clouds = makeCloudCircles();
let cloudParticles = [];
for (cloud of clouds) {
let p = new StarParticle();
p.position = createVector(cloud.x, cloud.y )
p.previousPosition = p.position.copy()
p.targetColor = lerpColor(skyColor, skyColor2, random(0,1));
p.spread = 10;
let cloudField = makeCloudField();
drawField(cloudField, cloudParticles, 20)
function doSkyStep() {
let skyField = makeSkyField();
let skyParticles = [];
for (var x = -40; x < width; x += particleScl) {
for (var y = -40; y < height; y += particleScl) {
let p = new Particle();
p.pos = createVector(x, y)
p.previousPosition = createVector(x, y)
drawField(skyField, skyParticles, 40);
function doStarStep() {
let circles = makeStarCircles();
let starParticles = [];
for (c of circles) {
let rScl = c.r* 0.5;
for(let j = 0; j < floor(c.r * 0.35);j++) {
let p = new StarParticle();
p.position = createVector(random(c.x - rScl, c.x + rScl), random(c.y - rScl, c.y + rScl))
p.previousPosition = p.position.copy();
p.targetColor = lerpColor(starColor, starColor2, random(0,1));
let starField = makeStarField(circles);
drawField(starField, starParticles, 20)
function draw() {
if (drawIndex < drawSteps.length) {
drawIndex ++;
function drawStars() {
for(let i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
strokeWeight(random(0.3, 5.0));
stroke(255, 255, 255, random(0, 255));
var h = random(0, 30) * random(4, 30);
point(random(0, width), h);
function drawCloudCircles(clouds) {
for (cloud of clouds) {
let c = lerpColor(cloud.c, skyColor, random(0.0, 1.0))
circle(cloud.x, cloud.y, cloud.r)
function drawBackground() {
for(let y = 0; y < height; y+= mountainDetail) {
stroke(lerpColor(skyColor2, skyColor, y/height * random(0.7, 1.3)));
line(0, y, width, y)
for(let y = 0; y < height; y+= 5) {
if (random(0, 100) > 95) {
let c = lerpColor(skyColor, skyAccentColor, random(0, 1))
circle(random(0, width), y, random(100, 200))
if (random(0, 100) > 95) {
let c = lerpColor(skyColor, skyAccentColor2, random(0, 1))
circle(random(0, width), y, random(100, 200))
function drawMountain(distance) {
let mountainHeight = height - mountainStart;
let particles = [];
let renderer = createGraphics(width, height);
let iters = 30 - distance * 2 - random(0, 10);
let lRenderers = [];
for(let x = 0; x < width + mountainDetail; x+=mountainDetail) {
let n = noise(x*0.001 * (distance/.7), distance*50);
let heighestPoint = (mountainHeight * 0.85) + (distance/10.0)*mountainHeight + mountainStart;
let altitude = n*(mountainHeight * 0.85) + (distance/10.0)*mountainHeight + mountainStart ;
for (let y = altitude; y < height + mountainDetail; y+=mountainDetail) {
let c = lerpColor(mountainColor, mountainColor2, pow(y/(heighestPoint-150), 7));
c = lerpColor(skyColor, c, pow(distance/5.0, 2.0))
if (random(0, 100) > 20 * (5 - mountainDetail)) {
let yy = random(0, 50)
fill(red(cloudColor), green(cloudColor), blue(cloudColor), random(50, 150));
circle(x, altitude + yy, random(10, 40));
let p = new StarParticle();
p.position = createVector(x, altitude + yy)
p.previousPosition = p.position.copy();
p.maxSteps = iters + floor(random(-10, 5));
p.targetColor = skyColor2;
p.spread = 9.0;
p.colorMerge = 0.98;
let cloudField = makeCloudField();
drawField(cloudField, particles, iters + 5, skyColor)
image(renderer, 0, 0);
for (l of lRenderers) {
image(l, 0, 0);