Glad you like it, Not sure how comfortable you are with some code, but if you download the source from github, you could edit "sketch.js" and remove line 7 to 11 ( all the ones with "drawMountain" in them). Then when you open index.html in your browser it wont draw any mountains.
Let me know if that works for you. Sorry for a bit late reply btw.
Hello forthebundle,
I messed with the code and it works the way DF said!
Thanks DF for your hard work and creative talents.
If you want I can send it to you vial email if you want.
Here is the changed script, just copy and paste into notepad, save as 'sketch.js' and write over a copy of the sketch.js file in the directory. Then just run the index.html file like normal:
let drawSteps = [
function() { background(255)},
let drawIndex = drawSteps.length;
function setup() {
let cvs = createCanvas(resolutionX, resolutionY);
skyColor = color(57, 120, 168);
skyColor2 = color(57, 49, 75);
skyAccentColor = color(205, 96, 147);
skyAccentColor2 = color(142, 71, 140);
mountainColor = color(57, 123, 68);
mountainColor2 = color(182, 213, 60);
starColor = color(244, 180, 27);
starColor2 = color(138, 235, 241);
cloudColor = color(223, 246, 245);
document.getElementById("skyColor1").value = skyColor.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("skyColor2").value = skyColor2.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("skyAccentColor1").value = skyAccentColor.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("skyAccentColor2").value = skyAccentColor2.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("mountainColor1").value = mountainColor.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("mountainColor2").value = mountainColor2.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("starColor1").value = starColor.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("starColor2").value = starColor2.toString('#rrggbb');
document.getElementById("cloudColor1").value = cloudColor.toString('#rrggbb');
cols = floor(width / particleScl);
rows = floor(height / particleScl);
function drawFromSeed() {
resizeCanvas(resolutionX, resolutionY);
cols = floor(width / particleScl);
rows = floor(height / particleScl);
drawIndex = 0;
function doCloudStep() {
let clouds = makeCloudCircles();
let cloudParticles = [];
for (cloud of clouds) {
let p = new StarParticle();
p.position = createVector(cloud.x, cloud.y )
p.previousPosition = p.position.copy()
p.targetColor = lerpColor(skyColor, skyColor2, random(0,1));
p.spread = 10;
let cloudField = makeCloudField();
drawField(cloudField, cloudParticles, 20)
function doSkyStep() {
let skyField = makeSkyField();
let skyParticles = [];
for (var x = -40; x < width; x += particleScl) {
for (var y = -40; y < height; y += particleScl) {
let p = new Particle();
p.pos = createVector(x, y)
p.previousPosition = createVector(x, y)
drawField(skyField, skyParticles, 40);
function doStarStep() {
let circles = makeStarCircles();
let starParticles = [];
for (c of circles) {
let rScl = c.r* 0.5;
for(let j = 0; j < floor(c.r * 0.35);j++) {
let p = new StarParticle();
p.position = createVector(random(c.x - rScl, c.x + rScl), random(c.y - rScl, c.y + rScl))
p.previousPosition = p.position.copy();
p.targetColor = lerpColor(starColor, starColor2, random(0,1));
let starField = makeStarField(circles);
drawField(starField, starParticles, 20)
function draw() {
if (drawIndex < drawSteps.length) {
drawIndex ++;
function drawStars() {
for(let i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
strokeWeight(random(0.3, 5.0));
stroke(255, 255, 255, random(0, 255));
var h = random(0, 30) * random(4, 30);
point(random(0, width), h);
function drawCloudCircles(clouds) {
for (cloud of clouds) {
let c = lerpColor(cloud.c, skyColor, random(0.0, 1.0))
circle(cloud.x, cloud.y, cloud.r)
function drawBackground() {
for(let y = 0; y < height; y+= mountainDetail) {
stroke(lerpColor(skyColor2, skyColor, y/height * random(0.7, 1.3)));
line(0, y, width, y)
for(let y = 0; y < height; y+= 5) {
if (random(0, 100) > 95) {
let c = lerpColor(skyColor, skyAccentColor, random(0, 1))
circle(random(0, width), y, random(100, 200))
if (random(0, 100) > 95) {
let c = lerpColor(skyColor, skyAccentColor2, random(0, 1))
circle(random(0, width), y, random(100, 200))
function drawMountain(distance) {
let mountainHeight = height - mountainStart;
let particles = [];
let renderer = createGraphics(width, height);
let iters = 30 - distance * 2 - random(0, 10);
let lRenderers = [];
for(let x = 0; x < width + mountainDetail; x+=mountainDetail) {
let n = noise(x*0.001 * (distance/.7), distance*50);
let heighestPoint = (mountainHeight * 0.85) + (distance/10.0)*mountainHeight + mountainStart;
let altitude = n*(mountainHeight * 0.85) + (distance/10.0)*mountainHeight + mountainStart ;
for (let y = altitude; y < height + mountainDetail; y+=mountainDetail) {
let c = lerpColor(mountainColor, mountainColor2, pow(y/(heighestPoint-150), 7));
c = lerpColor(skyColor, c, pow(distance/5.0, 2.0))
if (random(0, 100) > 20 * (5 - mountainDetail)) {
let yy = random(0, 50)
fill(red(cloudColor), green(cloudColor), blue(cloudColor), random(50, 150));
circle(x, altitude + yy, random(10, 40));
let p = new StarParticle();
p.position = createVector(x, altitude + yy)
p.previousPosition = p.position.copy();
p.maxSteps = iters + floor(random(-10, 5));
p.targetColor = skyColor2;
p.spread = 9.0;
p.colorMerge = 0.98;
let cloudField = makeCloudField();
drawField(cloudField, particles, iters + 5, skyColor)
image(renderer, 0, 0);
for (l of lRenderers) {
image(l, 0, 0);