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Well that was quite the ride, very nice and polished. Good palette and tileset, music on point and challenging. The guy looks a little off with the rest maybe? Its good anyway. There was some serious "lag" though, I suspect you used tweening with the movement? It could be related. I like it :)

Thank you for your nice feedback!

We do use tweening for the boxes and character movement, yes. I didn’t know it could cause performance issues. We’ll look into that!

You are welcome friend. Not sure if it's perfomance or the animations "slaping", dont know how to explain it but with tweening things can get out of control. Suddenly an animation that was supossed to complete in 2 seconds takes 0.5 and it becomes snappy, giving the effect of lag/performance issue. I have had that problem, not sure how to fix it. Maybe playing with the easy_out's and easy_in's.