I'm not sure which engine you're using, but would it be possible to add an option to stop at choices? I'm pressing spacebar to autocomplete dialogue, as I do with any VN (actually I normally mouseclick, but that apparently doesn't work with this engine), but I'm not used to being able to accidentally skip choices and just take whatever the top choice is...
Oh that's interesting. That's an unintended bug that I'll have to look into. I never honestly considered that the space bar would auto click dialogue. The game is made in Unity so it's all coded from scratch and I should be able to make that change. Holding the left mouse down will skip dialogue though and it will stop when an option appears. If you just click the mouse once it will progress the dialogue but of you hold it for about a second then it will start to text skip. Hope this helps! Thanks for telling me about the spacebar issue.
Clicking mouse once to progress dialogue is exactly what I want it to do, but it doesn't seem to do anything whatsoever, which is why I resorted to using spacebar.
[EDIT]: Oh, apparently you need to click *outside* the text box to progress dialogue. I'm used to clicking *inside* the text box.
[EDIT again]: Now that I'm doing it at a slower speed, I see that you... don't actually have autocomplete text. It literally just goes to the next dialogue block, even if the text hasn't finished. I've probably skipped a *lot* of text accidentally that I just had no idea was even there. That could be why the plot has been slightly confusing to me so far...