Hi moothodical!
I had a play of Jump Locke'd and uh...well, I'm not very good at platformers, so take what I'm saying here with a grain of salt.
- I think the general premise is quite interesting (i.e. a platformer where you can't initially jump)
- I found 1-4 and 1-6 to be substantially harder than the other levels. 1-6 in particular I gave up on after however many attempts.
- Having the padlock graphic change to open upon picking up a key is quite a clever visual shorthand for having your jump (and works in the theme quite well)
- The screen shake upon bumping into walls etc. was a bit much for me. It made me feel a bit nauseous, to be honest
- The music was nice and soothing, helped to quell the rage of repeated failure :L
Like I said, I'm not very good at platformers in the first place, so I don't know how helpful this feedback will actually be. Hopefully it's at least a little helpful ^^'