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[ ! ] Post-Jam Playtesting! Share your games here! Sticky

A topic by lysander created Jan 24, 2021 Views: 1,324 Replies: 54
Viewing posts 1 to 27
Jam Host(+2)

Please use this form if you'd like critique on your game!

Game Title/URL: Self-explanatory.  Link your game here. 

Pitch/Information: A short description of the game.

I'd like feedback on: You can put a list, questions, or description of what you would like critique on. Can be "anything!" if you're not looking for anything specific.

I need help on: Optional; remove if unnecessary, but if you have a specific problem or bug that you would like help or advice with solving, put it here!

We ask you use a play-for-play model for giving and receiving feedback; if someone plays your game, try playing theirs as well.


Game Title/URL: Padlock Ranch -

Pitch/Information: Zombies have scared your cows; they have broken the padlock on the barn and ran out into the pastures. Armed with a revolver and hopefully a can do attitude you have to venture out into the fields to try herd the cattle back to the barn and lock them up.

I'd like feedback on: 

Everything really, the art, gameplay and idea are all new with the exception of some UI icons. 
Is the game fun? Did you enjoy it?
What frustrated you?
What did you particularly like?


Hi ShootingDux!

I've had a play of Padlock Ranch, so here's some feedback for you:

  • I think the premise and scope was a good idea for the jam
  • The movement speed of the player character, as well as the movement speed of the cows, felt very slow for how large the field is. This made herding cows especially quite laborious
  • I liked the little message you get after the game is done ("You thought you did a good job, but...")
  • I think the zombies were a bit too tanky. Oftentimes I found myself starting by going to the barn and repeatedly stepping over the infinite ammo tile there, because I knew I was going to need at least six shots for even one zombie
  • I like the general art and aesthetics of the game, it's very cute :>
  • The SFX were mixed a bit too loud I think (and I didn't even realise the button in the top right unmuted, I thought that was just a notification of it being muted)
  • That said, I do always like a 'pew' for gun SFX :>
  • I think some music would help this game along a bit. Maybe something lilting and country-like?
  • During the in-game instructions at the start, I managed to swipe them entirely off-screen and couldn't swipe them back
    • Also, I didn't immediately recognise the symbol for left click. That might just be me, though

In terms of fun, I think the general low speed of the player character and the annoyance of herding the cows brought it down a bit for me, and it felt like when I got a higher score, it was usually because the cows happened to wander close to the barn, and the zombies happened to not, rather than any better play by my part. I did like the aesthetic and light-hearted nature of the game, though.

I hope this helped!


Thank you for the feedback.

A lot of what you said marries with my own thoughts on the game. Having no sound bugged us and is definitely something we want to focus on for the next game. The bug with the menu I knew about, I just couldn't figure out how to fix it.

I really appreciate the feedback. If we build on it we will definitely take it into account.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Game Title/URL: Unlocked

Pitch/Information: Escape from the lock in this speedy platformer!
You are a determined little robot, trapped inside a lock. You must set all the pins to pick the lock and escape, but beware: pins only stay set for a small amount of time! Do you have what it takes to face the challenge and see the light of day again?

I'd like feedback on: We focused on the fundamentals of movement and platformer design in this project. With an eye for how we can make it appeal to speedrunners. Feel free to feedback on anything you find interesting or you think could be improved.

We ask you use a play-for-play model for giving and receiving feedback; if someone plays your game, try playing theirs as well.


Hi there!

I've played through Unlocked, and I've come up with some feedback for you:

  • I love the music! Really groovy, never gets old
  • Maybe it's a problem on my end, but I found the FPS of the game to be a little low. I think that could be a sticking point in a speed runner type game
  • The presentation is gorgeous! I love the little character, the pins, the colour scheme...everything!
  • The wall jump felt a bit strange to use, but that might be a skill ceiling issue rather than an actual problem with the ability
  • The tutorial is well-designed, in that it is happy to show and tell rather than just telling you all the different controls
  • It says that you can't use the charge jump on platforms, but if you drop from a higher platform to a lower platform while holding S the whole time, you will be able to use the charge jump on the lower platform. Is this intentional?
  • It definitely fits that sweet spot of 'easy to learn, difficult to master'. I'm not very good at platformers, but I did get through eventually (albeit with some pretty abysmal times)
  • Good use of the theme :>

Overall, I had a lot of fun with this one! I hope this feedback helps ^^


Game Title/URL:

Pitch/Information: Walk through different mazes and find keys while avoiding getting caught by something guarding them.

I'd like feedback on: Is it too hard or too easy? Is it boring? Is the level design good or bad? Was there anything else you didn't like or something you did like? Any type of feedback would be appreciated.


Game Title/URL: SlasherLock

Pitch/Information: In this game we explored the concept of locking and unlocking doors while you are chased by a typical slasher movie killer in a top down mansion. Your goal is to find all the keys and escape the house before the slasher catches you!

I’d like feedback on: Everything, really. Most of our team was working on things they haven’t worked on before, so all critics are welcome.


I liked it! First of all, the gameplay itself is interesting, I enjoyed it. Great sound work, I really feel like watching an old decent B-movie. You need to voice the characters for a complete picture.
Details like stress blur look very professional.
I didn't understand how the strength of the locks works. First, I locked the killer in a room and he couldn't get out for a long time. When I moved away from the room, he just teleported after me (the room remained locked). I locked him in same place again and he immediately broke the lock and got out. But this is more of a positive stress.


Thanks for playing it! Glad to see that you felt like on a B-movie. That was what we were striving for!

The locks can all be broken by the slasher on a random basis. When the enemy tries to open the door to chase you, it has a chance to break the lock, but it doesn’t try more than once. If the slasher can’t break the door, it tries to find some other path to get to you, and if there is none or you get too far, it teleports to one of the fixed places on the mansion.

We know that this teleport could sometimes look weird, like it just appearing somewhere you know it couldn’t be, but it led to some really awesome B-movie moments when you think you’re safe and when you open the door the slasher is there. Kind of a Nightmare on Elm-Street feeling.

And also all the locks have the same strength, what changes is that as you get more keys, the slasher has a bigger chance of breaking down the locks up to the last one where it can always break down the doors to chase you.


Game Title/URL: group @dded

Pitch/Information: A short visual novel (hopefully only the first chapter and there will be more) about a shut-in, a regular user of an online hub.

I'd like feedback on: Anything that can be improved, corrected and added.

I need help on: Making the interface livelier, adding graphics.


Hi bropostol!

I did a playthrough of your game, so here's some feedback:

  • I really like the presentation! The chat interface really helped bring the illusion to life
  • The message received sound effect got a bit grating after a while. Maybe it's just too long?
  • The writing was consistently really good. It really felt like a Discord server, and I legitimately laughed at quite a few lines
  • It might be nice to control when the messages appear (at a click, maybe?). It would take away from the illusion a little, but sometimes I was just like, "Man, I wish these people typed a bit faster..."
  • Interpreting locked as 'shut-in' (and of course the protagonist's username) is quite a clever interpretation of the theme, I think

Overall, I had a good time with this one! I think it has a lot of promise for a full game, though I will admit that I didn't get much of an impression of the overarching plot. Something to do with the friends the protagonist was talking to, maybe with andyartpop getting in trouble again? Or is it even supposed to have an overarching plot to begin with? If not, I think that's totally fine—I was plenty absorbed when it was just random chatter.


Game Title/URL: Locked in Battle

Pitch/Information: Rhythm battle game.

I'd like feedback on: anything.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hi yumehiko!

I had a play of your game, so here's some feedback for you:

  • I really like the art style!
  • I felt like the cutscenes could have used some music—it felt a bit empty without it
  • With that said, I did like the music used in the actual gameplay!
  • For the first two bosses, it felt like the direction an attack seemed to come from and the direction it actually comes from can be very different, so you have to only rely on the colour effect. Was this intentional?
  • I thought core mechanics wise it worked pretty well. Simple but effective!
  • I'm afraid I couldn't keep playing past the fight with the three stacked shadows because I just couldn't beat it. The timing required was very precise since the shadows were so close, and it was pretty much impossible to tell whether a shadow would fire twice in a row, which would always eat my meter. Maybe I'm just not good enough at rhythm games, but I feel like more of a visual indication of a repeated shot would make things more fair, because at the moment, the visual effects for the shots stack on top of each other to a degree that's difficult to see.
  • I think this was a good implementation of the theme :>
  • To exit the game mid-battle, I had to manually close it in my Windows. Some kind of pause function on hitting Escape that lets you exit the game would be appreciated.

I hope this feedback is helpful! ^^


Game Title/URL:  Key Collector
Pitch/Information: Simple 2d horror game where you need find a key in darkness to escape. 

I'd like feedback on anything, what you like, what you dislike, what would you like to see in the game, etc.

Thank you.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hi Abzi!

I had a play of Key Collector, and I have some feedback for you:

  • The gameplay was simple in a good way, where each addition to the gameplay (more monsters) never felt like too big a jump. The difficulty was fairly well-balanced, too
  • The hitboxes on the ground enemies (the round things with spikes) felt much larger than the graphic seemed to indicate, so the vast majority of my deaths were just bumping into their vague general space
  • I appreciate that in a game like this, it's a very quick restart after a death. It might get quite frustrating otherwise!
  • I found the music to be a bit grating after a while. Maybe this is just a matter of variety?
  • I liked the designs of the monsters! Though I found the ground blobs more cute than scary, to be honest
  • Sometimes when I was moving along the outside edge of the map to get my bearings, I bumped into some invisible walls. Is this intentional?
  • The enemies that only moved when you weren't looking were really good :>
  • ...Though they were the only part of the gamer I found even slightly scary. I'd say this is more of a horror-themed puzzle game than a horror game
  • Also, on the final final level (that is, the level after the final level), the game almost crashed, but just about managed to recover. I wasn't sure if this was intentional or not, though.

Hope this feedback helps! ^^

Edit: oh, I forgot one thing! I couldn't actually see the door on 'the final level', so most of it was me just fumbling around trying to find it. Was this intentional?


Thanks for feedback! 
About "bumping invisible walls" , it was probably bug but other things was intentional. 


Game Title/URL: Oh No, The Hero Glitched to the End!

Pitch/Information: A fantasy RPG/VN about the aftermath of a speedrunner beating the game in record time. The Demon Lord was defeated, but now his army has been taken over by his trusted lieutenant. Can you lead the remaining heroes to victory?

I'd like feedback on: Mainly mechanical stuff (did it feel good to play, too hard/too easy etc.), but any feedback is appreciated!


I'm still playing through the game but I think the mechanics are mostly good. It took a little while to get the hang of it and it seemed hard to judge the damage I could expect to do but I think that's maybe something I'll reconsider when I play again.

Some of the colours of the buttons were a bit hard to see, like when I was in a menu to attack or choose an item I didn't notice the return button sometimes which is maybe something to consider.

The overall battle system was good in my opinion. Well done.


When we make the full release, we definitely need to do a complete pass on the GUI—I completely agree that some elements are hard to see at times. Thank you for the feedback!


Game Title/URL: Jump Locke'd

Pitch/Information: You play as Locke, a lock whose jump is only available upon finding a key and unlocking his jump potential. Optimize your path through 11 levels to get the fastest time!

I'd like feedback on: Anything you'd like please!


Hi moothodical!

I had a play of Jump Locke'd and uh...well, I'm not very good at platformers, so take what I'm saying here with a grain of salt.

- I think the general premise is quite interesting (i.e. a platformer where you can't initially jump)

- I found 1-4 and 1-6 to be substantially harder than the other levels. 1-6 in particular I gave up on after however many attempts.

- Having the padlock graphic change to open upon picking up a key is quite a clever visual shorthand for having your jump (and works in the theme quite well)

- The screen shake upon bumping into walls etc. was a bit much for me. It made me feel a bit nauseous, to be honest

- The music was nice and soothing, helped to quell the rage of repeated failure :L

Like I said, I'm not very good at platformers in the first place, so I don't know how helpful this feedback will actually be. Hopefully it's at least a little helpful ^^'


Please use this form if you'd like critique on your game!

Game Title/URL: Sentenced

Pitch/Information: Just a short tribute to the difficult platformers I grew up with in the 90's. Essentially, you have to escape hell.

I'd like feedback on: 

Anything that you see or feel when you are playing it. Just looking for feedback. 


Hi bondreal!

Super difficult platformers are uh...not my strong suit, but I hope this feedback is still helpful:

- I like the lighting the game uses :>

- I found that certain hitboxes didn't match up to the sprites. The lava hitbox seemed larger than it should be, and the spikes had hitboxes on the sides as well as the top. I'm not sure if this is an intentional design decision regarding the spikes (as a call-back to old platformers), but to me, touching the side of spikes feels like it shouldn't kill you.

- The music's pretty neat, though I wonder if it might work better if it kept playing after death, rather than always returning to the start.

- It felt a bit awkward to use WASD and E for the controls, specifically for the sprint. I'd recommend putting the sprint on SHIFT instead for that control scheme

- The sprite work is simple but effective. The slimes are quite cute!

- The birds sometimes got stuck inside the ground, usually when they were flying up into it

I didn't end up beating the game, but that might just be on my poor skills. An optional mode with checkpoints would be helpful, but that might go against the design ethos you're trying to imitate, here.


Thank you for the excellent feedback. I primarily intended on a gamepad being used as I am garbage in platformers with a keyboard. The XBox gamepad I used during playtesting allowed me to make it through the level at a much higher percentage. Your point about "E" being bad when using WASD for movement I agree completely with that. "Shift" would have been much better. I will do that from now on. The other points about collisions on the sides of the spikes or colliders that do not match up with sprites are spot on. I went back and looked. You are absolutely correct. The point about it being better if the music was looped and not restarted makes sense too and would help with immersion as well to keep the stress up. Thank you for the compliments about the sprites.. all I can do is simple. lol. I am a software engineer I am not an artist at all. I just started using the 2d light rendering that unity now offers and it really helps/is easy to use. I added the birds really late in the game for added collisions to avoid and I did not see them flying up into the blocks during gameplay. I will fix that. 


Game Title/URL: Air Traffic Cop

Pitch/Information: A horizontal shoot ‘em up where vertical movement is restricted to flying up and falling down. Think classic flash game with the helicopter in a green cave. Or Flappy Bird, if you have to. But it’s closer to the former.

I’d like feedback on: How the game feels as far as fairness and difficulty go. Also, any notes about the sound design, which is something I put a lot of focus on in the polishing stage.


Hi there~

The game looks and feels great. Love the soundtrack, and love the old tv style looks. The the overall game, I think it's too difficult. There are so many enemies in the beginning, it's almost one hit when you hit another vehicles, and the fact that the aim direction are depending on the vehicle's direction makes it too hard to shoot. But overall, it's really polished


Hi xeno!

I played some Air Traffic Cop, so here are my thoughts:

  • I like the general concept of the game :>
  • I'll echo some of the other comments in that it felt a bit too difficult. Taking out the buses on the ground etc. felt like a bit of a pain. Reducing enemy density or the amount of shots it takes to kill might help with this
  • The sound design is pretty neat! I like how each shot increases/decreases the pitch of the damage sound on enemies. The music is also pretty chill
  • Given that there's no reason not to be shooting bullets all the time (as far as I can tell), it feels like you don't actually need a shoot button. Just have it always on.
  • I like the sprites, and the screen effect is pretty nifty
  • If you stay on the game over screen for a bit, it seems to keep printing the points earned a few times over

Hope this feedback helps!


Game Title/URL: Darkest Maze

Pitch/Information: Darkest Maze is a short game in which you control a little fire friend in the Darkest Maze, there are different levels in which you have to find the keys to continue.

I'd like feedback on: anything, It is my first project and any opinion will help me!


Hi estebesz,

I played Darkest Maze, so here's some feedback for you:

  •  I love the main character sprite, it's very cute!
  • The sound effect beep upon choosing a level etc. seemed to be a bit too loud
  • The fire crackle in the background gives a nice soothing quality to the game
  • With that said, I think a little music (probably something quite simple and understated) could help to enhance the experience
  • I couldn't quite figure out why I was dying on one of the later levels—the death tile looked the same as the other ones, as far as I could tell. Was I just missing something obvious?

Hope this helps!


thanks for your feedback!  It's true about the beep, I realized and lowered it but clearly it was not enough, with the music, I wanted to make the game solo(without assets) and since I am not capable of composing something I decided to use the fire effect, and yes  with the palette I had problems, it is my first time with pixelart and I made some bad decisions. again thank you very much, I will take it into account for future projects.


We didn't have a team member who could do music either, but thankfully, there's some decent royalty free tracks up online. I'd recommend Incompetech as a first port of call, though we used PeriTune for our project. The latter's site is all in Japanese, though, so you might need Google Translate handy to navigate >.>'


Game Title/URL: Tower of Galdar

Pitch/Information: A single screen action game. Solve each room and escape!

I'd like feedback on: Anything really!

I need help on: The sound effects vary in terms of loudness from room to room and I'm not sure why it kept happening.


Hi Crosser!

I've had a run through of Tower of Galdar, so here's some feedback for you:

  • I really dig the music!
  • I had a big problem figuring out how to use the sword, since the game doesn't tell you the controls (as far as I can tell). I ended up pressing every key on my keyboard, which included R and K, which restart the game or just straight-up kill you respectively. Why is there a button that just kills you?
  • I think the sprite work is pretty neat. I especially like the sprite for the main character.
  • The lives system felt a bit punishing, given that (from how far I got, at least), there are no checkpoints or ways to get more lives. Often times if I lost a life in an early-ish level, I'd just go, "Well, I may as well restart, since I know I'll need that life later on." Given that certain levels require you to explicitly wait for things to happen, I don't think this makes a good pair with a lives system like this.
  • I think the theming of the game is quite good. A knight has a sword power-up (of course!), and there's the obvious tie-in to the theme of the jam itself
  • The transition from running out of lives into returning to the title screen seems a bit too sudden. A longer 'game over' might help with this

Hope this helps!


Game Title/URL: Cutics

Pitch/Information: Simple symmetrical tactics game where the objective is to defeat the enemy Commander. Use your mouse to control. Enjoy!

I'd like feedback on: Anything! It's our first game as a team and the processes was new in some way for everyone, any feedback is appreciated :)


Hi gabrielfecury!

I played through Cutics, so here's some feedback for you:

  • I think the presentation of the game is really cool. Really harkens back to the old Fire Emblem games.
  • It says that Infantry > Juggernauts, but from what I saw, Infantry did basically no damage against Juggernauts, leaving their only weakness as being a bit slow. Is this a bug?
  • The music is giving me big time nostalgia, but I'm not entirely sure what for. I'm giving it a thumbs up either way.
  • It felt a bit strange to cancel a move with another left click and right click. For a while at the start, I was just making moves and was befuddled why it wasn't actually happening (because I hadn't clicked end turn yet). I'd probably have only right click be the 'rewind' button, for this reason.
  • Having the different terrain types around the map was pretty cool, though I'm wondering if hills might be a bit busted when combined with the mech.
  • The AI seemed to really love putting the infantry at the bottom of the map and then doing nothing with it, for some reason. That didn't tend to win it many matches.

Hope this helps!


Game Title/URL: Apparition

Pitch/Information: A walking/exploration same set in RPG Maker about a displaced young adult sheltering with a ghost. LGBT/supernatural romance.

I'd like feedback on: A few friends of mine who've played ran into some bugs, I want to wait on more feedback before I go back in and repost everything. If you find anything, let me know! Also, let me know if the library puzzle is too confusing, a friend had some trouble with it. Any other feedback is welcome as well! (I'd appreciate constructive vs. harsh criticism though, haha). 

I need help on: A bug in particular a friend mentioned is that after picking up the book from Eden's bookshelf, she hit a direction key and it softlocked the game and didn't trigger the event. I wasn't watching her play so I'm not quite sure exactly what happened there, does anybody have any insight? I had a choice event there that triggers an autorun event. 

Thank you in advanced to anybody who checks it out, even if you don't have feedback! 


Hi cartyrs! I had a play of Apparition, so I think I've got some feedback for you:

  • I think I mentioned this when I commented on the dev log, but I really like the game's art! ^^
  • If you talk to Eden immediately after waking up (at the start of the game), it will replay the cutscene where Eden asks for Heather to get the Wilde off the bookshelf. This might have caused the possible softlock (more on this later).
  • I think the slow pan up to reveal Eden as a ghost at the beginning is really well done :>
  • The scream SFX when Eden is explaining about the occult stuff at the beginning may be a bit too loud?
  • I didn't find the library puzzle to be too difficult, once I realised I'd already picked up the first book and just didn't notice >.>
  • The tile to the right of the front door to Eden's house has no collision (the tile covered in papers). It doesn't seem to let you get out of bounds or anything, just something minor I noticed
  • I like the dynamic between Eden and Heather. I think it's nicely written!
  • I believed I ran into a softlock bug. Basically when I got back to Eden's room and started drawing the sigil, when I talked to Eden, she just went through the intro dialogue again (the one at the top). I've tried interacting with everything else in the room (including Eden), and I can't seem to progress, so I think I'm stuck? That, or I missed something obvious, in which case I apologise for that ^^'

I might have another playthrough tomorrow and this time stop putting my QA hat on (i.e. intentionally going against what is expected). I did like what I saw so far, at least!


Hi!!! Thank you so so much for the feedback it means so much! It seems my problem is likely how I coded the first cutscene, I'll check it out and do some troubleshooting! Also thank you for all the compliments too omg ToT

Submitted (1 edit)

Game Title/URL: 

Stardisc Destroyer

Pitch/Information: A short twin stick shooter/score attack where you use a "resource disc" to bounce off walls, shields, and other enemies for combos to earn the highest score.  Things like taking damage and letting your disc retrieve itself take score away, and things like removing enemies grant it :)

I'd like feedback on: "anything!"

This is my first time developing something not text based, or cobbled together in RPG Maker, so I'd appreciate anything constructive that comes to mind, and I'll take it to consideration :)

Thanks for taking  a look, I can't wait to try out everybody else's software!


Game Title/URL: Kyax

Pitch/Information: An endless dungeon crawler. You are a reaver armed with sharpened key making their way through an area filled with undead. Strive for a higher score every run.

I'd like feedback on: UI, combat balance, Is the game frustrating to play?  Does the ui convey enough  information to the player.  Are the effects of some pickups not obvious enough? Is the game fun?  


This is actually a fun game, but the mechanics are way too hidden. I cannot tell what any of the powerups are supposed to do. One of them apparently reduces my life every step, perhaps it also have some upside to it? I dont know, and I dont know which one is doing that. Sometimes I die, sometimes I become totally OP with 100% crit and oneshot everything, but why my runs end up like that I have no idea. If you add some animation on attacks, both your own and enemies, it makes it easier to understand what is actually happening -> which I guess is: if theres an enemy in the square you are moving towards you attack it, right? Still not 100% sure lol. Perhaps some color coding on the powerups, perhaps a popup text that says "+crit" or something as you grab it... But yea, the game is really neat but bump up the visuals to tell us what is going on!  :) 


Thanks for the feedback, I'll be sure to leave some on your game, as well.

Submitted (1 edit)

Game Title/URL:     (Windows only)

Pitch/Information: Puzzle platformer, It may a bit difficult but you are supposed to fail/die/reset a couple times to figure out how to do it.  5 levels. 

I'd like feedback on: I already know the sprites stutter/are glitchy at times, thats just gamemaker being gamemaker with this very low res,  but Id like feedback on anything else really.


Fun, simple puzzles. I like the music and aesthetic.  I don't think complexity is a problem. Layering of elements has some issues, as the ball is hidden under gore and other particles. I think the ball should be larger and more pronounced onscreen. Player movement can be clunky when it comes to platforming,  as you have little control over your air momentum, which while not inherently a problem, makes precision jumps difficult. I think the player should slide/drift a bit more when punching as going to a dead stop from full speed is jarring, especially while airborne. I do however, enjoy the feeling of gravity  and weight that everything has. It feels great to run and jump around at full speed.
Succinct,  really nice work. Glad to have played.


Game Title/URL: Mask of Spirits.

Pitch/Information: A short action game in which you fight  monsters and traverse dungeons. Themed around death, spirits, skeletons and the like.

I'd like feedback on: The base mechanics mostly, as well as ideas for weapons and abilities you would want to see added in the future. I had to do a lot of the graphics and sound myself, and I know they could be better with more time but I didnt want to take too much  time from programming. the mechanics 


You should make the sword and dash activate on button push, not button release as it is now.
The diagonal dashing seemed akward, at lest on the tiny platforms with release button to dash. Sometimes you are on a tiny platform from where you have to diagonal dash, but there is almost no room to start walking diagonal + press and release the dash, it felt way too precise. I would do away with the diagonal dashing, at least if there is no way to line it up while standing still.   
There was also a platform where a skeleton was waiting for me so it was basiaclly impossible to dash over there without him killing me. Shift to dash is also awkward due to the "sticky keys" popup on windows. I died by falling but the enemies did not. I somehow became invincible at one point, which was nice because I got to see the boss witch was very very cool, he was easily the best part of the game.  Intro story and cutscenes are very nice. Camera panning to the doors I unlocked was very nice. Music was good although there was some uncomfortable total silence when the track was going to repeat.

Very cool boss!!



Thank you so much for your feedback!  I know the platforming definitely needs work, the pits are easily the least polished part of the game, I will work hard on improving them in the future, I have had a few friends complain about the diagonal dashing as well so I will probably take that out if I cant tune it up. I'm sorry about the bug where you become invincible. I occasionally encountered that in testing and thought I fixed it. Would you happen to remember any details about what caused it? I only encountered it when respawning, and I'm pretty sure I fixed that, but it looks like other things can cause it too.

Also, it would mean a lot to me if you would copy this comment to the submission page for this game to help bump it up higher on the submission list. Thanks!

Submitted (1 edit)

Game Title/URL: Lock'n'Key 

Pitch/Information: A chill "puzzle" game made to be played by a 3 year old without them getting frustrated.

I'd like feedback on: It won't pose much of a challenge to an adult but if you have a young child handy I'd love to know how they go!


Game Title/URL: Last Second Escape /

Pitch/Information: A 2D platformer where you need to escape before the room get locked forever due to the room changes

I'd like feedback on: Level design, visual, mechanic / game idea, is the game can be understood intuitively, and if you have anything more to critique.

Thank you~


Game Title/URL: WarLOCK

Pitch/Information: A puzzle/arcade game where you must trap monsters by throwing boulders at them. Pretty unpolished as my challenge was to make a game from scratch with C++ and no engine (SDL2 library with openGL)

I'd like feedback on: Anything, but I wonder if difficulty is too high?


Game Title/URL:

Pitch/Information: Red has come back to the forest to honor her grandmother, killed ten years ago by the wolf. There, she meets a mysterious cat which helps her embark on a journey of intrigue and mystery. Solve puzzles while avoiding monsters as you help Red discover the truth about what really happened to her grandmother...

I'd like feedback on: Anything!


Game Title/URL:

Pitch/Information: A tangram+puzzle game. You are locked behind a door and try to find a way to get out of this place.

I'd like feedback on: Anything for sure.

I need help on: How to do an accurate tangram lol.

Submitted (1 edit)

MDT - Monsdetization

Locked in a mansion with monsters... Monsdetize your way out!

I want feedbacks, pls!



YouTube Develpoment:

Please subscribe to my channel!

Hey! I am Jamam! here is my game. Please any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!