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(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

I think you might ask native americans again, after christian seafaring.

what about south america, crusades, witch trials inquisition, all the great war minions for the church...oh and the top cult raping children since ever!

only to mention the tip of the iceberg.

dream on cultist...!

but I swear we will talk, when a religion stops it's cults from all this typical missionary bullshit and from raping children.

Our Adolf fans are gone and we keep em gone now, The rape clerics of blood church are getting richer and the cases of raped children get more, since decades.

and of course you will say that is not my church or something else.

and so I expect no responsibillity from you.´

and again it is no wonder, a christian doesn't know what is written in the damn book, again and again and again and again and again and..


Yes, you have made it all so clear with the fact you hate christians, jews, old people, and just about everything in between.  I'm sure there is some underlying reasoning behind this, some type of repressed anger or whatever else there may be and while this is some rather interesting social commentary and you might have a valid point or two, unfortunately nobody cares about any of it.

You completely went off topic and started ranting about the bible.  How did you go from OK I am raging, or "defending" as you call it, about people criticizing this game to targetting old people then hating bibles and religion to any of this other pointless whimsical nonsense?  You are onviously either just a social moron or have ADHD and cannot remain on topic.

Somebody from GenX again as you say should have more, seasoning, than what you possess.  You have chosen the most ignorant and pointless means to insult and degrade people, which you have horrendously failed at BTW to the point I would be embarassed I mean this is shit you would here or be used in a daycare or some type of other similar environment but seeing how you never reached puberty or left your parents basement I guess hating on others for no good reason and playing dumb porn games is all you have.


What does this even have to do with anything?

Deleted 2 years ago