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Hi! I played your game, and this is my opinion.

First of all, it has potential. But there is a lot of space for improvments.

0.Give some Ambiental music to the MENU scene. (tutorial,credits,play,quit). It feels empty.

1.Hovering any of the MENU buttons (tutorial, credits, play, quit) should at least play some sound, besides slightly changing color. (Change of color is bearly visible).

2.Pressing any of the MENU buttons (tutorial, credits, play, quit) should at least play some sound, besides slightly changing color. (Change of color is bearly visible).

3.Make the MENU scene more alive. For now, it is quite static.
Examples:  -- Some stars are shining.
                         --Some space object is passing by.
                         --Some particle effects.
                         -- etc...

4.Credits page is too long. What you wrote there is not for the "Credits" scene, but for the "About" scene.
In the Credits scene you should put something like:
-- Made by: ...
--External tools used: ...
--Music by: ...

5. I don't want to watch the intro. I mean this:  "We are crashing, me and my space girlfriend, etc...".  Make a way to skip the intro. You wouldn't want to read the same story over and over again when you press Play.

6. Spacebar key is quite unresponsive. Astronaut jumps after like 0.2 seconds. I personally think this is not good. Make it jump instantly.

7. Sound is a bit too loud.

8.I cannot press PAUSE or EXIT game while searching for a girlfriend and jumping over alines.

9.Map is quite empty. Add some flying objects, passing stars, etc...

10.Make some scene transitioning. Help link: 

I hope you will polish your game nicely. Good luck!

Thanks for taking the time to playtest and provide good feedback! I agree, there is a lot to polish :) But so far I've spend 90% on artwork, so I havn't invested time into transitions and making the menu feel alive. It is a general weakness across all past game jams that I am not really trying hard to make a fully polished menu and transition. Thanks for the reference video - will check it out.